when will the lab in the garrison open. it doesn't say anything and i'd like to know. Anyone who knows anything, please post on this forum. This is my first forum so i'd also be glad for any tips. thanks and that is all.
when will the lab open.
thanks but are these absolute answers or just guesses because what point would it serve if it never opened.Please continue posting and give me forum tips. You all rock and keep posting.
It's there as a placeolder until someone thinks something.
OOO likes to tease us. Ask about tortodrone or watch any official trailer filled with unreleased stuff.
forum tip: OOO doesn't like to give release dates for stuff. You want an answer like "They WILL be out on December 31st at 10am" or something like that, but it's not going to happen.
does anyone know if OOO will open it for sure or does no one know at all?
Never Say Never -Justin Bieber
@Bluebrawlerneo Good answer
@Everyone Could the lab be where we can Combine 2 Weapons in one? ;)
"Could the lab be where we can Combine 2 Weapons in one? ;)
No offense, but that is one of the stupidest ideas I have ever heard. (along with the idea to combine two pieces of furniture)
100 different weapons = 10,000 different combinations. Have fun, developers!
"10,000 different combinations"
Personally I think Polaris+Gran Faust would be OP.
You can't combine polaris with gran faust.
You can only combine sword with sword, gun with gun, shield with shield.
You mean no fuseing two bombs? Aw, there goes my Nitrotempest. Once again bombers get screwed over.
May I ask if you are a homosexual?
since when do homosexuals like JB
tween girls and sexually pent-up housewives like JB
"May I ask if you are a homosexual?"
Seriously Erri, it's not funny It's not even trolling. Stop it already.
All you're doing is going around in other people's threads and apparently making comments on other people's comments or trying to point out faults in whatever.
Not cool, not funny, but seriously annoying already.
@hexzyle Some people in this thread seem to like the "stupid" idea.
Besides I don't see any other people hating the idea, (yet) (besides you)
"100 different weapons = 10,000 different combinations. Have fun, developers!"
We can make it into a "you can only combine 5 star weapons"
@moonlight-flower that's a great idea! Since it will be really odd to combine a gun and a sword.
Combining weapons would involve a lot of rules and a lot of complicated situations. Among those rules are only being allowed to combine weapons of the same type, how to deal with different sets of UVs on the combined weapons, and what happens if you combine 4*- items whether they will have their own alchemy line. Among those complicated situations are the bastard child weapons spawned by combinations like Blitz + Sentenza/Peacemaker, two different Vaporizers, a Flourish combined with a Sealed, and if expansion exclusive weapons can be used to combine whether the bastard child will be tradable when at least one of its parents were not.
It would be significantly easier to make new weapons instead. Not like more gameplay relevant content is expected anytime soon, aside from the occasional prestige mission and the constant cosmetic updates. New weapons? Silly. Any kind of new equipment which is not cosmetic? Preposterous. Unless they have something going on behind closed and locked doors to make naysayers like me slap ourselves sillier than we already are from the impatience after several months of short lived updates.
You know what I hope it turns out to be? Lab? Whatever the liquids it is. I hope it turns out to be a sandbox mode of the Clockworks where you can spawn whatever enemies in, practice against them with whatever equipment you want, and be better prepared for the Clockworks. Or something where you take materials and build stuff. Like some furniture for your guild hall. But you can only get that special furniture by crafting it with a butt-clenchingly high amount of materials. Not just boss specific token materials or only high rated materials, all kinds of materials can be used for different things. Materials being sinked means raised value meaning sells higher means newer players can sell the materials they get instead of squatting around town trying to throw them at people and wealthier players have something to use their thousands of materials on while their copious amount of crowns trickles down to newbies who still need to buy recipes and pay for crafting. Not that anyone is reading this. Just that guy ranting about something again. Everyone go back to smashing their faces on sword charge attacks and Pulsar spamming until their eyeballs grow spider legs and crawl into their nostrils then ooze out their mouth as their lower jaw hangs open and their teeth perform an orchestra of belches. This is all perfectly sensible.
I agree with the wealthy people needing to spend there wealth.
So do you like thee combination idea?
I'll try to think and develop that combination idea.
"@hexzyle Some people in this thread seem to like the "stupid" idea.
Besides I don't see any other people hating the idea, (yet) (besides you)"
And me. It was suggested a while back, and in terms of SK, frankly, is stupid, in terms of the mechanics, design and offensive abilities of each weapon.
Not to mention the year or three it would take the developers to come up with design, mechanics, attack power, names, and different combinations for such a feature alone.
So much complexity for something which as Lug put: "It would be significantly easier to make new weapons instead."
No to combining weapons. It would give birth to abominations far worse than Flourishes (before the swing radius nerf), Pulsars, the Seerus hammers, and all the Brandish charges combined in a giant bowl full of cookie dough. Multiplied by a sock. For the players. It would be several drawer fulls worse for the development team to even think about.
Apparently clothing can now be used as variables. Implicitly closing hand cows we oozed are vegetables.
"Not to mention the year or three it would take the developers to come up with design, mechanics, attack power, names, and different combinations for such a feature alone."
Good point.
Combining shields >:D
Combine CoA, SSB, BTS, omega shell....
How about a nice 'polaris'
Fury of Zeus
You know you want to click it!
Say for the point of this there are eight 5* weapons of each class. Being only able to combine same-class weapons means that the amount of combinations is still 3*(8^2).
That's 192 new weapons to implement and balance.
That would be amazing and hilariously broken if it just combines attributes of the 2 weapons:
Acheron + Gran Faust = 3-hit sword with a brandish charge attack that can curse
Argent Peace Maker + Callahan = Piercing gun that stuns but has the AP ammo capacity and attack speed.
Dark Briar Barrage + Venom Veiler = DBB that can poison
etc, etc...
If they do go the weapon combining route, it'll probably be for predetermined recipes, like a shadow and a normal sword making a new, fancier shadow one or something like that.
@ OP No one has absolutely any idea what the lab will do. At first it was where everyone thou you could craft the boss statues shown in the first GH update video.
thanks for all the answers continue posting and point out anything in my forum you think could be fixed.
Combining weapons would be intriguing, but not viable.
I honestly hope for something that deals with the arcade, but in all likelihood the lab will deal with the guilds or so. Or mayhaps it will deal with pets. Pets are likely in the future, even if I would rather they not be.
Flourish first swing
Rocket hammer dash
Gran Faust last swing
Voltedge charge
Shadow damage
if it does: Blitzaris or Divine Faust
Blitzaris uses trollaris rounds with a Blitz firing system. oh no a charged shot would just OP against vana or at any target and LD. (shares dmg and shock)
DF: well DA with shadow dmg added.
I hope for a map-making type of lab, so that users can build levels for the devs.
Forget that. I'm gonna get me a piercing AP with a Blitz charge, or an Elemental BAB with the walk speed and range of a Nitro and the Shock chance of the VT with the Shock magnitude of the SSB!
Or the Quadblitz.
Hey guys thanks for all this but i just read nick's announcement about battle sprites so that sort of answers my question. thank you all for posting, most was great advice though some wasn't. Feel free to continue to post on this about anything you want to about the lab and forum tips. you are all great, shark out.
When the core opens... Never