Ever since the last patch I've been having really...weird stuff happen in the game. I'm not sure if it's glitches or the gaming lagging or what so I thought I'd ask people.
My sword will randomly become much larger then normal. It seems to correct itself when I attack and only I can see it being larger. And no, I can't type that without giggling to myself. I am very mature I assure you.
My shield will occasionally not actually do anything. I will have my shield up and enemies will just hit me and not the shield. It's very...confusing. This is thankfully very rare but is still very worrying when it occurs.
A disturbingly large amount of shock vials dropping. It's just kinda creeping me out.
Eleven vitapods dropped in a single level. Again it just kinda freaked me out. This was after none had dropped for three levels so that was a bit strange, but not the first time it's happened for me.
Some attacks go through enemies and some attack enemies make don't hit me. This generally doesn't happen but it's happened a few times and has been kinda bothering me. Attacks that clearly missed have hit as well. It makes playing feel a bit more random then I'd like. I'm pretty sure this is just a lag issue though, like I'm seeing things slightly off due to a half second of lag.
Any thoughts?
Sword becoming larger, yeah, that happens a lot, nothing to matter.
That is called ping, latency, delays... etc. If you lived far away from the server, you will get disadvantaged. DO NOTE THAT THERE are 2 servers, using the party finder, you can find out which party belongs is in which server, that will help you in carefully choosing the right server. You will have to shield earlier, so the server identifies your input and synchronizes with the game
% dropwise, you just got a lot of shock vials
% dropwise, yeah.... vitapods sometimes drop a lot at a time, or none at all
Attacks not going through... Piiiiing Latencccy, Delaays Lagggggggggg.... half a second lag, you got yourself a 250ms ping
Ping cannot be fixed unlesss you lived nearer to the servers... i have it too, so i know whatcha feeling.