I'm pretty sure this has happened to many players where some random player walks up to you, tries to initiate trade and bets for CE, CR, Weapons, or Equipment.. I wish I could report these people for making my gaming experience a little less entertaining, but I don't think there any rules against it for now. Instead, I shall post a "Hall of Shame."
Anyone who wants, post your own as well..
The Homeless of SK Hall of Shame
Forum Rules:
Post other people’s personal or private information. This includes posting screenshots of in-game mail, chat, or other private communications without the permission of the other participants.
They could report YOU if they want. Double irony. Silly rules :P
Baconbits and Bacnsextrabits aren't in the same guild.
When I see Bacon's alt.....that name just don't look right........... o_o
Funny thing is me and 2 buddy had a competition on who would get more cr by begging as a noob (didn't had ranks nor mission back then so you couldn't see Prestige ranks).
Over an hour I managed to get over 12 000 cr
My 2 buddies stood at 8 000 cr and 10 000 cr
Simply ignore them, don't reply to them and now you can even put trade on hold. So keep the trade on hold, keep his friend request and when he's gone (or you are doing something else, elsewhere), delete the request and the trade
It's easy how it is when you simply put thoughts behind it rather than "where the **** is the ban button" rage mode.
I thought the same thing, then I was like...
Ohhhhh...why not use dashes?
What I do is I put my most valuable stuff in the trade window, then minimize SK and do other things on my computer until I hear the sound cue that lets me know the window was closed. Or I'll chat in guild chat while I sit there. The longest I had someone sit there was about 45 minutes, I kept telling them I had a phone call or something that would "distract" me enough to keep me from trading.
It's amazing to see how patient some beggars can be.
"It's amazing to see how patient some beggars can be."
Looooooooool. Will have to try this.
I wish I could report these people for making my gaming experience a little less entertaining, but I don't think there any rules against it for now.