New Weapons?
Im sorry if this has been suggested, searched and found nothing and went about 5 pages back, but seeing as the type of game this is, any chance of new melee weapons such as axes or spears?
The way I figure it, spears would be straight jabs, yet reach slightly further than the bulky swords and quicker (yet weaker). The charge being an arcing swing.
Axes could be the same in a way but shorter distance (normal sword) and stronger. Charging to do a spin attack hitting all sides.
Spears have been suggested before here and seem to be a popular idea.
Since then we've had a lot of new weapons released, with more on the way soon. And there are already many different styles of weapon available with very different charge attacks, even if they are all called "swords".
Guns can also fill certain niches - the autogun series fits your description of 'spear' nicely.

Autogun, not really, they tend to have stormtrooper aim at times. I miss everything sometimes despite the arrow directly over the monster's head.
That would be the weapon of the slag guard.
Also I've seen a energy scythe in the loading/download screen thing when SK lunches, maybe it'll be a new weapon type?

There are Lance and Shotgun icons in the resource folders with no corresponding weapon skins or classes.
Also, that's not an Energy scythe, that's the pommel of a Khorovod.
Guns don't cover a poison part so far? I think it would be a good weapon aswell, one that allows you to weaken your opponents at a distance and then strike!

Dart guns, could shoot both poison and tranquilizer darts.
Or a poison needler.
I like the idea of spears (or something along those lines), they could be the Pierce-damage counterpart of melee weapons, since all that exists now are swords which are based mostly on Normal damage, and in a few rare cases some Shadow and Elemental. Guns cover all types of damage, yet swords don't seem to really do this. It would be nice to have a piercing melee weapon.
When I look into the game folders, I see an icon template for "Lance" (Spiral Knights\rsrc\ui\icon\inventory\icon_lance.png). Does anybody know what this is used for, or if it even is used at all? Perhaps this may be some sort of pierce-damage melee weapon implementation we might see in the future. Or it might just be a misleading Material I have yet to discover...