I've been pretty much alone durin' ma time on Cradle....and it's been...eatin' at me. Back in november, I lost e'erythin'...ma wife...ma guild...ma sobriety....And i've been lonely and depressed fer too long. Ta make matters worse.....I think I might be in heat....And all this stress...this pain...is jus' too much fer me......I cry fer help sometimes....nobody notices......I jus' wanted to be noticed...ta be loved....and it's jus' too much ta ask of this world.....i'm 'bout ready ta give up.
I hate bein' alone.....
Sun, 12/23/2012 - 17:57
Sun, 12/23/2012 - 21:19
Yes, it is.
it is too much to ask.
*Shoots fake Country Artist with Needler*
Sun, 12/23/2012 - 21:21
.......Okay..................................... Just dont kill yourself bro.
Mon, 12/24/2012 - 09:47
You can't fool us, you never even had a wife or a guild. You must be really lonely to create people that ditch you.
Hope that helps.
Tue, 12/25/2012 - 18:54
I know what he's saying.
and somebody noticed...
...sorry it just had to be no one
umm... okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk