Alright so, just a little while ago I was on Depth 27, enjoying myself (I think) in FSC. All goes well, and since there are only 2 of us (The other guy was in 4* gear), we were going to go up.
Well, my buddy joins right at the elevator so we decide to go down - with 1 blitz and no shiver. No biggie, right?
Anyway, back-story aside, the boss fight wasn't really enjoyable in the last phase. Now, I know Vanaduke is a pretty trivial fight, even without Shivermist, but there's just one thing that bugs me above all other things...
My PC isn't a dinosaur, I've got an i7 processor, 8 gigs of RAM, and a 5.7/7.9 Gaming Graphics Card rating. Yet still, on lowest graphics, the debris that falls from the sky is ridiculously heavy on my machine. My FPS must drop to like 5 - just long enough for me to get hit by Vanaduke and catch on fire.
My little dilemma here is that whether you're on High or Low graphics, the debris doesn't seem to change at all, nor does its effect on my computer. I don't know what it is - but it seems that hundreds of particles + Java = inevitable FPS fail. Just like the Core.
Anyway - would be nice if we could somehow lessen the impact of the debris, since the normal graphics settings don't seem to do anything to it. My PC isn't a $5000 computer but it's not terrible - I know plenty of people who must experience even worse FPS drops here despite graphics settings, since they use even older computers.
Okay, that's my little rant. I'm done. In case you somehow got a nerf vibe, I'm definitely not asking for Vanaduke to be any easier. Just to be more playable.
I agree with this totally. The falling debris always screws over my frame rate, and I can only survive via pure luck (Or I die to the random fires that break out)