I hear that the higher star handguns have more range, I'm only at the 3* versions. Just picked up a 4* recipe and I'm waiting for some energy.
But why is the range so short to begin with? Was it always this range? It feels like I can barely shoot over somebody's head before my projectiles disappear. I seem to often be one or two tiles short of hitting my target.
I'm going to go post in the suggestions, if the location I'm trying to shoot is out of range of my gun, then change the color of the mouse cursor. Give me some feedback on whether or not my shot will hit.
Well firstly, the dungeons don't all allow you to shoot too far. So being able to shoot clear across the level means little when the size of the room is whatever you see on the screen (or less). As well, why would you be able to shoot something you couldn't see? Most gun ranges are more or less the width of your screen (with some exceptions, not including wide screen displays).