Does anyone know the odds of one being dropped by a grinchlin stalker?
I've been killing them for a while now and I have yet to see one. Is this really worth my time?
Does anyone know the odds of one being dropped by a grinchlin stalker?
I've been killing them for a while now and I have yet to see one. Is this really worth my time?
Only five minutes after I posted this thread, I finally got a drop.
Hey, don't feel bad about it. At least Murphy is being nice for a change. :D
I've done the T3 mission solo over 80 times and recorded every stalker killed and Humbug Hat found.
Grinchlin Stalker kills: 569
Humbug Hats found: 7
I actually found 2 more in ~60 grinchlin kills, but I wasn't writing anything down for those, so that data isn't included. This would make the total 9 found and approximately 630 killed.
Based on this data, I would guess that the odds are somewhere between 1-1.5% of finding a Humbug Hat.
Goofio, did you make a typo for your amount killed? Because if not, I don't see how 569 + ~60 would yield 730. :P
Yeah, I just noticed my math error. It should say 569+60=629, so ~630 instead of ~730.
In my experience, about 1% of the time it drops.
Normally it takes me 10-15 runs to find one. But then again...
i was thinking the drop should be between 1 or 2% on my drops as far i counted i got 14 humbug hats. i gifted 3. and i keep 11 of them. 1 bound to me. sadly idk if they going to worth more after the event :/ look the jacks bombs head those really devaluated after the event. so idk why i just gather the humbug hats if people start selling them for... 50k cr. i feel like my drops were pointless now xP
My luck is not very generous to me apparently, does it work like every other item as in it chooses on player to go to, or does it go to everyone?
My luck is not very generous to me apparently, does it work like every other item as in it chooses on player to go to, or does it go to everyone?
I got my first one within a hour after release, the kill count is kinda low. About 45-55. Maybe the drop rate is a little higher then expected or i am just really lucky.
My luck is not very generous to me apparently, does it work like every other item as in it chooses on player to go to, or does it go to everyone?
One player, as usual. I soloed the mission a bunch of times to get mine.
Which reminds me, I think there may be a glitch with the Humbug hat distribution. I've seen 5 Humbug Hats, all of them dropped when working with at least one other person, and all of them went to me. I can understand luck, but that just seems suspicious. It might have something to do with my character's name starting with A, or I just have stupid luck.
It goes to the person who picks it up. I think.
I've seen it drop 5 times so far, the first 2 times was to the person who pick it up (same guy on the same run, he killed the grinchling both times and was the closest to it), the third time 2 guys were pretty much at the same distance from it and one let the other go first (apparently they were grinding the hat for that person) and he got it. The 4th I didnt see it personally but I asked about it to the other person, he said he picked it up and go it.
The 5th time was when I got it, I killed the grinchling when everyone was too far away getting gifts, it dropped and took it.
It's that or the RNG godess is playing with me.
it's random like item drops from boxes, I was in a full party, someone else picked it up and I got it.
The thing is, in the screenshot where I got 2 Humbug hats in one round, the second hat was dropped off-screen, surrounded by two other players, while I was on the ground dead... but I got it anyways (I did end up giving it to Sirstorm because of the whole "On the ground dead while he did all the work").
Huh... well that shuts me right the Vog off, doesn't? :V
I got one in like 2 hours, yes - I do have an elevator pass.
For those with elevator passes you can do this:
Start up WF T3 mission
Hunt down that stalker on bottom right, he always spawn there.
Restart the mission and keep on doing that.
There is no better way I could think of besides buying one off AH...
Also that Humbug Hat is ugly... looks like a from Qin Dynasty... No offence.
The Humbug Hat is a Skelly Mask with Dread Skelly eyes, a santa-hat, and painted red.
It took me two days to find mine. Just keep looking and you'll get it eventually.