I know this is kind of random. But anyways, here's the question
Are you a boy or a girl?
Just wanna find out who plays this game
Boy: 10
Girl: 2
I'm a boy
I know this is kind of random. But anyways, here's the question
Are you a boy or a girl?
Just wanna find out who plays this game
Boy: 10
Girl: 2
I'm a boy
I used translate. PS please tell the truth
(Just sayin')
Also, why do people to try to beat a gender poll? What possible sense of accomplishment do you get from outsmarting simple questions?
Someone needs to make a general full-on SK poll (on a separate site) to collect these aggregate things, because I'm sure most of us have had to answer such questions repeatedly. That ideal poll should ask for: given name; gender; age; location (country or latitude/longitude to the nearest degree); knight color; F2P/F2P+OCH/P2P; and favorite: item (general), material, alchemy line, piece of equipment (gear or weapon), gear/set, weapon, helm, armor, shield, sword, gun, bomb, stratum theme, level series, specific level, bossfight, mission, monster type, monster line, and specific monster [gasp for air]. Anyone who takes the trouble to make this deserves a reward of some sort, though I doubt anyone would want to fill it in its entirety. Also anyone with access to the data would have a bit too much power on his/her hands. Maybe OOO could do this.
I'm male, by the way.
Not that it's any of your business, I'm a guy. Why are you asking that? Aheh, heh-heh, you're so weird.
What are you up to?
Everyone knows there are no girls on the internet!
(But if there were, I would totally be a closet lurking female.)
I've heard of many girls that play SK
I even have some on my friends list
Like Yttriu and Hyllia
Female, which should be obvious considering I said it was my real name in another thread.
Also probably a good half of my guild is females (so about another 30-33). Not giving their names, aside from Xai, as they are more then capable to coming on the forums if they so choose.
A Haiku for Doom!
You want my gender?
Immo is the Alpha-Male!
There, Tuna-Flavor.
I'm a trans, no just Joking, I'm a MAN
This is kinda a legit pole.