So I've been researching how much enemies deal (per stratum) and how much much armor actually blocks and how armor works in general. I haven't really found any evidence on the wiki that this is something anyone else has researched but I thought I'd ask to see if I should join up with a team that's already doing this. Also if anyone would be willing to help that'd be cool.
I'm also looking into how much health enemies have per stratum.
This topic has been studied. See User:Antistone, this thread, and this thread. But more study is always welcome.
A really effective research technique would be to hit people in Lockdown, recording the damage you do vs. how many pips of health they lose, with detailed records of weapons and armor of course. People have tried this a little. But to do it well you need to have everyone on both teams participating in the test, or at least not disrupting the test. I mean, you don't want your target going through Polaris shock spasms while you're trying to read his pips.
If I recall correctly, most enemies are either "regular health" or "extra health". For example, zombies have extra health --- they take more hits than most enemies.