Seriously, in every MMO there's some sort of spam bot going around, how come this game doesn't have any? I just found that interesting because I was playing dragon nest, Rumble Fighter, and Ragnarok, they all had spam bots but this game doesn't...
Where the spam bots at?
Also, a lot of spambots attempt to post in the top forum category. Seeing as that's in Announcements, and you're not able to post in there....
I left them in the data stick deep within the pocket of my other trousers.
Spambots? A spy sapped them.
Or maybe this game is just less well-known than most.
@Doctorspacebar ... . That's all that deserved. A ... .
But anyway, Probably that this game is smaller, and attracts less people, therefore less immature people find it
Plus dont alot of those bots advertise selling in game currency? It would be extremely difficult to get crowns or energy with how random the game is. each the elevators switch the next depth semi randomly, and enemies don't always just run at you to be killed (devilites for one). Short of someone buying an elevator pass and botting a boss strata, there arn't really any good ways to bot SK
Well if you spam in game you get the "Your voice is hoarse." Even then I never had the impression that SK was large enough to warrant that kind of spamming.
Also, the mods read the forums often, probably daily. Most spam/advertisement threads are just quietly shuffled away to the graveyard.