Greetings! My name is Drake-Wolf. Shadow Drakes is a new guild to the SK world and we are looking for fun, sociable, talented, and dedicated knights who are looking for adventure. First, I'll give you some info about me and my friend Antfats, the other guild master (If your not interested in this then feel free to skip it! :3). Back in Sep. of 2011, me and Antfats were looking for a fun game to play. Luckily we found what we thirsted for, Spiral Knights. Fast Forward sometime 8-months later I decided to take a break and ended up selling my gear and deleting my knight. Antfats ended up doing the same. Now, just getting back into the game, I'm glad to see new guild features and a wealth of new talented knights (and some amazing old hats that everyone loves). Okey-Dokie then! On to the beef.
Shadow Drakes should be...
-Fun and sociable! I want my fellow knights in this guild to have a good time and enjoy their selves.
-Helpful. New players are important to the community and carry the game on! If you can help them, they will have a good time, and in turn you will too.
-Talented! I, in no way want to judge people on skill, but no one likes an unbeatable game right? If you feel you aren't doing well enough, try and ask around the guild! There's bound to be somebody who can help you.
-Independent. Me and Antfats try to stick around and stay active, but we have lives, too! Shadow Drake members need to be able to handle disputes on their own , should me or Antfats not be on.
And last, but not least!
-Dedicated! We need members who are active and willing to help the guild. Whether this be through support for recruits, or donations for our treasury, we need you there to help! Active members are what makes guilds fun and inter actable. Why be in a guild if there's only 2 people online at a time?
If a fun, inter actable guild full of talented and dedicated members suits your fancy, then fill out this quick applicant forum!
1. IGN
2. Area of residence
3. How often do you play?
4. What are you best at, in a group of members?
5. Why do you want to join this guild?
If accepted in, I will send you an invitation to the guild. If you have any questions or concerns contact Drake-Wolf or Antfats and we will do our best to answer the question. Until then, see you in the clockworks! (And thank you for your time and consideration!)
Bump! For any new curious knights looking for a guild.