Times you felt sorry for the other team

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I have been in a lot of very unfair lockdown games (on both sides of the spectrum), but today I genuinely felt bad for tehmasteratti. Its one thing to lose a bombhead, but losing a 4 vs 3 match in a shutout when he was trying his hardest, that is pretty rough.


I would be interested to hear other similar stories if anyone would like to post :)

Zaffy-Laffy's picture
Zaffy is a noob magnet

I felt more sorry for the guy who left. But yes, when you are surrounded by noobs, you just want to throw your computer out of the window.

Rabeet-Ahsan's picture
I was in a LD match about 6

I was in a LD match about 6 hours ago and i got i was getting overpowered by some noobs as i was the only guy and i got angry and kicked [bucket] but then i felt sorry for having 20 kills.

Traevelliath's picture

There was one guy, Striker, half in proto armor. I was a recon bomber/sword, holding onto a point with my Lightning Capacitor, Flourish, and hammer. Guy kept charging right at my point, and every time I would decloak for a fraction of a second, hit him once with my Swift Flourish and kill him instantly before cloaking again. This happened like 10 times in one game. He even got buddies a few times, and while I was going for his buddies I would accidentally clip him and kill him instantly.

Haha, it was a bad match, one

Haha, it was a bad match, one guy had 3 hp bars while guardian and another had tier 1 equipment!! It was fun i guess

Milkman's picture

Is word 'felt' in the title misspelled or is it just a witty play on words?

Anyway, I usually feel sorry for whoever is on my team.

Hawxindanite's picture
There was a time

There were 3 in my team and 5 on the other and none of us were clones, just 2 duskers and a guy with a brute jelly helm and a dusker coat (me) and none of us had heart trinks. The other team had 2 decked out gunners a dusker clone who keeps killing memin every match I play, his name was Azwar. Goodness that guy is good. And also another clone was with them it was God something I can't remember. Here's the weird thing though they also had one wolver/dusker guy. Apperently though my team won and I was like dafudge? And then I felt sorry for the other team since they got awesome pros yet they failed. Oh well I wonder how devestating that was to them.

Pinkie-Girl's picture
When in a Six vs Six and

When in a Six vs Six and everyine but you and a Cobalt Leave
Feeling sorry for me there....lol
And also facing the ASI VH of your Shockburst of yours brings my team Instakil

I feel sad Leavin ITJ...../cry u dont wanna discuss here..

Shamanalah's picture
sorry, no LD here

50+ points in random teams in BN

Triple kill on a 3v3 match

12-0 games

Whenever the opposite team is below 10 points when you are above 30 and there's 1 minute left (15-10 sec respawn, game is over basically)

When I'm not putting bombs and manage to win and "kill" people (they suicide basically), finishing 0-0 :D

Fallconn's picture

In T2 if a Bomb head shows up, if you're on my team you are 90% percent guaranteed that Bomb head.

Aandy's picture

Sooner or later he will get it if he continues to play ^__^
At least thats what i tell me self :|

Ragingstorm's picture
Fallconn has triple max uv's

Fallconn has triple max uv's on his T2 gear.

Xxpapaya's picture
The papaya grins

If I am on your Lockdown team, you will definitely lose ^^ Now you can start feeling sorry for people who have me on their team :P
Losses so far(stroke, without wins):6

Good-Spirit's picture
At the top of my rage list

At the top of my rage list has to be injustice.

Example: T3 LD 4v4 match and your team has two leavers, your partner is in t2 gear. Other Skolver team feels the need to polaris everywhere.

Happened twice yesterday morning.

(flips table)