In the countless runs I have done in the past week there has not been one Humbug Drop. Sure its a 1-1.5% of dropping but really? Its rather depressing. I've been wanting one for what seems like ages. How about you? Are their others out there who haven't got one though they have done a lot of runs? Please post/discuss!
It blows my mind...
My brother decided that he should go humbug hunting so I said what the heck, so I did too. On my second try, I found one and told my brother. He got Mad that I found one so he invited me to help him get one. Luckily, he got 2 O.o
Lucky brothers :P I am still looking for one...Hopefully I will get one
Start counting kills. Statistics say that you have ~50% of finding one ~70 kills in.
well i always got one every 8 runs. i would have 14 humbug hats one binded to myself, i gifted 3 and i still have 10 humbugs hats sitting on my inventory i would have more but i got bored of dropping more xP i would say the drop its around 2 or 5% i guess.
For the first week I specifically hunted for the hat in runs and found 12 hats or so? I bound one, gave 9 away to close friends and guildies, and sold 2. I ought to hunt for a few more today before the event ends to hold onto to sell later.
does it really rare? since i keep hearing in tradechat selling,keep on hearing someone get more then one...i'm not sure if "rare" spot in word.....does is should be called "seasonal rare"?
^ thats what im worried, since new humbug hats start to appear on the AH they start to devaluate their price so im worried that those time i spent hunting those hats wouldnt worth later once the event has ended and some time have passed to sell later since they are a cheap junk right now. something like the jack o bomb heads which dont worth a lot. thats what worry me.
Hunting for the humbug, three of us ran maybe three t3 WFs, just concentrating on the stalkers, before we had two hats drop on the same run. Like it or not, random is random. Random is what gives many things in SK their value.