what? i dont even http://i.imgur.com/WYquE.png
I laughed IRL.
I have never seen that happen before O_o
I've seen a few screenies of it before, but it's still really funny.
That error occurs whenever somebody defeats Darkfire Vanaduke. It's the Shadow Lair Tier X clearance message.
None of my friends have gotten An unexpected error occurred on the server so I'm not jelous yet. If my friends start getting them, then I'll want one too. I wonder if they're rare. Are they tradeable?
I got that same error in french. The "Unexpected error" should be a boss name but w/e
Made me lol when I first saw this and it is still funny
I guess they were been playing LD. A strange, evil bug touched poor, innocent knights just to make them unable to leave the Colliseum. He touched me as well. The game glitched and I had to kill the power :(
"Your friends Jerry, Joe and Bad-Dog have beaten the Unexpected Error in the computer"
"Your guildmate Futurefrost has joined the guild Indo" <--- what kind of message is this?