Using health capsules
Consider allowing players to utilize health and antidote items while on the move.
Usually in the time it takes me to hit a hotkey, the enemy will have caught up to me and managed to knock off some of the health I just got back, only because I'm locked in place.
I said it somewhere else but I wanted to document it here -- the other problem I'm having that feels strongly like a balance issue is:
I'm on fire, being chased by a fire demon. Fire is the deadliest status effect, hands down, so I need to address is ASAP. I pop a blue pill. My character stops dead to take it, but as I'm taking the pill the fire demon nails me. It's a lose/lose - either I ignore fire and die, or I address it and get nailed.
I applaud the recent changes to pills, but they still aren't as effective as i feel they need to be. Pressing a hotkey should use the pill, no ifs or buts.
You can run with them, but you need to be doing absolutely nothing else in order for it to work. Many times I have been on fire and running away, pressed a hotkey for a recovery pill, and then died a few seconds later. From fire. Apparently my hands were a bit too busy at the exact moment I pressed the key, even if i was just on a cooldown from an attack or something. This is frustrating and counterintuitive.
Pills already apply their effects instantly on use; having a use animation that must be played just creates annoying and frustrating edge cases.

I don't like the current running animation too much, it's very stiff.
I know it's just a placeholder to test the running thing, but please tell me you're going to change it later.
Also I really feel you should be able to hard set the health vial keys.
I have often died when flustered in combat and having to restort to a health vial because I had previously used up a vial on one number and then grabbed it and it went to the next shortly therafter. So instead I pull out some worthless dmg vial and then die because I was a little mixed up.
Since managing items and other things in the clockworks slows your party down, and the game feels very fast paced, this should really addressed.
1 and 2 for the first two health capsules 345 for the others. Or something like it. Right now its just weird feeling.
As for the capsules I think right now is somewhat of a good place? I'd still prefer them to be instant. But especially in lower levels it would be unplayable if things went back to you standing still.
I think they're fine as they are. You definitely should not be able to use them while attacking or during the recovery time of some other action. Are you low on health? Burning to death? Hey, maybe you should stop attacking.
They don't need to be on the same level as Monster Hunter (must stand completely still and play a long animation then endure a long recovery), but there should still be some sort of restriction on using them.
Why, exactly, do they need such restrictions? Hotkey items that silently fail to activate when you need them most aren't really hotkey items. That's just not fun. If instant use at any time makes them overpowered, they can be balanced in other ways - and they already have been, by limiting them to 3 of each. I think that's enough.
Think Diablo, rather than Monster Hunter.
Diablo was a potion spamfest. If you don't want to die, you need to play more defensively. You have a shield for that reason.
Failing to activate when you need them most? The time you need them most should not coincide with the time you're still flailing your sword at the enemy. If you're about to die, and still swinging, that would not be a problem with the potions.
You also don't have to do the full combo every time. In fact, for tougher enemies, I only do the first two hits, then block. I don't even need potions at all except on the particularly difficult areas.
To be fair, Shroom, I've had issues with the hotkey items not responding when I wasn't actually doing anything besides burning to death, and it's a known bug from what I've heard as well. A far cry from your assumptions that people are ALWAYS trying to hammer the potion button in the middle of an attack.
I mean heck, it sounds like you're just wandering off into your own thoughts and writing up various irrelevant things that are extrapolated from your experiences only.
I didn't say people always do it one way or another. I just think that there are times you should be required to go defensive in order to recover.
If there is a bug, then there's a bug. I've never had any problems with unresponsive potions, so I guess I've just never encountered this bug.
In any case, I was mostly referring to...
>Apparently my hands were a bit too busy at the exact moment I pressed the key, even if i was just on a cooldown from an attack or something.
If you're still in the recovery frames of an action, then you shouldn't be able to take another action until those frames are done. Using an item should count as an action.
A compromise could be that if you press the hotkey, say, 5 or so frames early, it will use the item as soon as your current action is over. Your current action still has to complete, but it won't ignore your keypress.
Oh hey, that IS a good compromise. In fact, depending on what's causing the activation bug, I wonder if that'd solve it too in one fell swoop.
Sorry for the jab in the earlier post, dude. You're OK :D
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.