sorry we're at a reorganizing phase for the guild
i should be fully active again in 1 week, sorry i didnt give you guys (the guild) a notice
“Virtue: a trait or quality deemed to be morally excellent and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being”
^Let's set an example while striving to be number one!
Stronger guild members, means a stronger guild as a whole. Remember this when you're in Virtuous!
Table of Content:
Post 1: Guild Purpose and Ground Rules
Post 2: Roster
Post 3: Progress in-game as a guild
Post 4: Guild News
Post 5: Guild Bank (Under Construction)
New Guild and Purpose:
First and foremost, I want this guild and its members to be courteous, friendly, competent, independent, and helpful to each other. It’s a game so let’s have fun! Second, the guild’s “main” purpose is to help you, prospective members, to progress in the game, stronger members means a stronger guild. Third, I want this guild to be the best in Spiral Knights in terms of teamwork, gear, hopefully PvP if it’s added in the future, and quality of its members!
Furthermore, activeness "IS NOT" required in this guild. There are a lot of college students in here and I like to be open-minded and give you guys freedom, but i expect you to follow the guild purposes!
Ground Rules:
1. It’s a game, have fun!
2. Real life over Spiral Knights
3. No drama
- I don’t tolerate elitist (people who think they’re superior)
- I don't tolerate impatient people
- Never hate fellow guild members, if you can't stand someone block them never take it out on the guild
4. Watch the language
- you can cuss, but never target those words to ANYONE.
- ^ use them moderately (@..@, i'm watching)
5. I promote teamwork and being independent!
6. No begging, ask once or twice at most for anything. nagging for items and energy is a no-no.
As of now “Virtuous” is recruiting anyone and everyone as long as they have read this thread and agreed to what’s mentioned above. As this guild grows this thread, or a new one, will be subject to change.
Mail me in-game if you’re interested in joining or reply to this and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you’re a current member and want to add a friend do the same.
IGN: Bunryl
Officers that are willing and able to invite are
Guild's Progress:
Royal Jelly Palace (Tier 2)
No requirements
[x] Garden of Goo
[x] Red Carpet Runaround
[x] Battle Royale (Jelly King)
Firestorm Citadel (Tier 3)
High Fire resist
Divine Avenger level 5 or higher
Argent Peacemaker level 5 or higher
[x] Blackstone Bridge
[x] Charred Court
[x] Ashen Armory
Note: choose the left side (easier)
[x] Smoldering Steps
Note: Do the left side, then from left-mid section finish the middle then right side.
[x] Throne Room (Lord Vanaduke, did not kill!)
Guild News
Date: June 1st, 2011
NOTHING :( sorry been inactive due to work and college (guild leader)
Guild Bank (Under Construction)
Last Updated: May 19, 2011
The contents in the Guild Bank will come out from my pocket and backpack! That means Energy, Crowns, and Materials will be coming from me and me only. As far as I know, I won't be accepting donations of any sort and put them in the bank. Still under construction, but I want everyone to know what's going to happen soon. Still making up the rules of how things will go.
I am interested in joining your guild. Aside from the fact that I'm (apparently) three times older than the average SK player and thus very 'mature', what else do you need to know? Oh, my knight's tag is Laminarflo.
Thanks in advance.
I'm interested in joining, sounds like it will be fun. I like to just enjoy the game, chat with people, help out as much as I can and I'm not one to beg. So if anything I'll look for you ingame.
ING Anzent
well i am looking for a guild, i heard this one was a really good one. so yeh let me become your battle brother lol
hey WPguardian =]
let me know your IGN and ill send an invitation ASAP
Hey, if you guys are still recruiting, I'm interested in joining. Please send invite. IGN: Thwamp [because Thwomp was taken]
After 100 hours of play time, I've noticed that I seem to be the only player who can pick up health hearts. I always let my teammates have first crack at all pickups (either they know how to use them better or they need them more than I do.) And I see that hearts are _always_ left behind. I get them, if I need them. [This mode of play leads me to complain about abandoned pickups on elevators - I could have kept them for myself :(]
Now this heart-pickup talent could be due to my handicap. You see, I seem to be something of a 'bleeder'. I lose health like nobody's business. I have been struck dead in 5 second walking into a level 10. This has been true since I started and it still happens even though I have 2-star equipment and even 4-star armor.
Which makes last night's jelly run so fantastic. A huge thanks to Guild Virtuous for dragging my sorry carcass safely through the Jelly King's realm. I never thought I would see it.
P.S. I tried to post this on the General Forum, but I don't seem to have permission to create a topic.
...if you read the wiki!!
"When hearts drop, they drop for everyone in the party. Everyone gets their own copy of the hearts so it isn't possible to steal hearts from your teammates."
Maybe it was a good thing that I could not make my ignorance widely known.
hey guys id like to join the guild pls send me invation
IGN: Carios
haha no worries Lam, glad you learned a lot while you're with us, but don't be shy to ask questions about the game to the guild!
oh and the forum does that sometimes, i mean not let you post topics, so just refresh the page and maybe itll come up.
I'm torn. I really wanted to post my Virtuous hat tip to the General forum, but I'm glad I avoided looking like a noob in public.
I have established the practice in my play of always dropping my pickups if I am going to enter an elevator with the intent to return to Haven. I'm pretty sure the same thing is accomplished by using the Esc key and then Return to Haven (but you are never around to see the results!!).
It's one of those things that I would call virtuous (or maybe just polite.)
its okay Lam, well be notorious as a guild one day.
and glad someone thoughtful joined us! keep it up. set the standards for playing SK
Most discussions in SK focus on weapons and armor (and loot). But I'd like to see more on coordination in groups. Organizations like guilds allow players to form relatively cohesive groups, where agreement can be established beforehand on strategy and tactics as a group.
Should one player with strong shielding play 'Gun Puppy Chow' while the others bash away at them (the gun puppies, of course)? Should a pack of wolvers be encircled for better application of flasks or should someone attempt to wedge the pack apart to isolate individual wolverettes? Should players with less suitable weaponry fall back, or run around wildly, or do flanking feints?
And I've heard that levels will adjust the number and severity of monsters depending on the number of players on the team. Does that also apply to individual rooms? In other words, if everyone fans out, will they encounter 'monster staffing for one', or does the full complement pop out of the woodwork. I'm inclined not to believe the body count is lower, but maybe the monsters are not as potent.
It might be fun to explore this aspect of the game. Where the SK wiki is the OED of SK, I'm thinking some guild needs to produce an equivalent of "The Art of War".
In terms of coordination and organization of a group in a dungeon it's highly needed for Tier 3, because there's no way going berserk and hacking and slashing will get the team through Tier 3 floors. Not even the best armors can withstand whats in store in Tier 3 floors. Sadly, in this game you can't type gameplans while a battle is raging on, so you rely on your teammate's abilities and they do the same for you and hopefully you guys mentally connect and create unspoken tactics to get through the floors.
And for your other question about the correlation between the difficulty of the monster and the number of people in group I don't fully know the answer for it. But i have noticed that as more people join the party monsters do become more powerful, im not sure if they get weaker when people leave.
Hi I wish to join your guild!
IGN: Matthewthedark
I would like to know how many gun, sword, and bomb builds we have in our clan. It would be hilarious trying to do a LV run with only guns... I can't imagine that workin out.
haha, this is a one week old clan so far Vatactx but from what I've seen
we have 2 Bombers including me with Full Mad Bomber set and at least two 5* bombs each.
Gunners, wow... even outside of guild its hard to find a legit gunner with 5* gear.
But man that sounds fun to do! lol 4 people use Argent Peacemaker on vanaduke!
Thought I would step by and say a few words about the guild.
Bunryl is a real nice guy, as well as the rest of the guild community. Despite our guild being new, I feel like the members have made a very tight-knit, positive, and helpful experience for everybody -- including all newcomers. Very welcoming group of people that are all interesting and fun to talk to, and you'll always find some people that'll run jelly king with you or whatever your needs are. There have been multiple times that somebody has had no qualms about lending something or giving that extra material to help the guild progress.
That's all I have to say for now, but send me a tell in game if you have any questions!
If you change your mind about donations, keep me in mind. I'm sitting on a pile of shards and it is not all that comfortable. :-)
I have no interest in messing with the AH to squeeze out a crown or two. I would much prefer to pass my excess materials along to serious, and friendly, SK players free of charge. (Oh, if anyone insists on bragging about what a wonderful Knight I am, I won't stop them.)
I do have a growing collection of sparks, nearing 100 in all three types, and I could use some advice on how best to use them (as opposed to donating.)
There's a thread in the general section asking for suggested changes to SK. I had fun thinking of additional features. If you have some ideas, you should check out the "Your Top 5 for Developers" thread.
Eurydice is reading it...
@Srathek: awww thanks for the words Sra! =] Let's hope Virtuous makes it to the spotlight of SK by having the best guild members in the game!
@edcdave: Wow thanks for the info Lam, ill post about guild banks on it. and ill think about donations to the guild bank, I need to figure out a way to make it fair to use for everyone and make sure no one abuses it.
We've seen over the past couple of days that there are many kinds of fun in playing SK. I suspect that the AH will provide another outlet for 'fun' (a kind that eludes me at this time.) Once the guild bank is established, you could designate an 'exchequer' to manage/invest the assets. There ought to be a Virtuous knight interested in that sort of thing.
Hmmm, that concept sounds interesting. I guess I would be up for it if the Guild Bank was used properly.
I read your rules and everything and I would like to help this guild out gear-wise not just for me, but for everyone that joins to become the best GUILD OUT THERE! :D
I also agree that this guild should be a nice friendly one as well as a powerful one.
If you wanted to know my gear it's here:
Helm: Wolver(2 star), cobalt(2 star)
Armour: Wolver(2 star)
Weapon: Crystal bomb(2 star), calibur(2 star), autogun(2 star)
Shield: Stone Tortoise (4 star)
So add me in game so i can join the guild(P.S, Im pretty active every day for an hour or so)
p.s.s, my ingame name is Cheesemonkey :D
I am pretty much a noob because I've still got terrible gear and weopons.Hopefully I'll have better stuff soon. But I am looking for a guide to join so I can level up faster and get a good idea of what I am supposed to do in the game. If I am allowed to join my ingame name is Wajamalu.
From description guild sounds ideal for me. My in game name is 'Ajdux'
play a bit most days, Tier 2 atmo all 3* gear.
Sounds awesome! I sent friend requests to Josehenrique, Bayssk and Srathek so i can join :D (I use the same name ingame.)
I think you should also have sort of a perk system. You can get some added goodies depending on your rank in the guild. Just an idea that popped up in my head...
I want to join my type is called Cafexpress
Just finished my my 4* set. Finally Cleared for tier 3!!!! Thanks for the recipes Bunryl! I'm Currently Using Mega Magnus 4* Ultra High UV Voltecht MK 2 Medium UV, Sunset Duster High UV Sunset stetson Max UV. So yea... Gonna be our first dedicated gunner.
Just FYI for our guild if anyone is thinking about buying a gun.
1. Magnus line guns are EXTREMELY hard to use effectively unless:
A: You have a Nameless Set and have Increase Fire Rate: UPDATE: Reload time Ruins fire rate increase
B: You upgrade it to Callahan or IronSlug because the range on those things are sick.
Conclusion: Magnus line is a gun that I completely regret getting. Tier 2 you destroy wolvers but in tier 3 then they teleport, our best stun lock move no longer works. The only way you shine as a Magnus line user, is if your swordsmen are very good and constantly bashing enemies away from you.
2. The best gun for Kiting (besides antigua line) is:
A. Hail Driver or Volt Driver UPDATE: Hail Driver sometimes unfreezes enemies due to ricochet.
B: I only own the shock one but status effects with the consistency of guns are devastating.
3. If you only own one gun
A: Do not get a normal dmg gun, while it does good dmg to everything, it does way less than your sword.
B: Instead go for status effects and change to sword once your target is inflicted.
4. A Gunners Role [IMO]
A. A Gunner is sorta like the health bank... since we almost never get hit... we inflict status dmg and revive ppl.
B. You probably have the worst defense so leave the health pots to other people...
C. Don't let sword users fight mini bosses... they have no idea what hey are doing ^_^.
D. Until SK fixes us... we are the weakest species in the game... most of Virtuous would rather have a wolver as their ally rather than you ^_^.
5. Why be a gunner
A. Sword users always bash enemies away from each other [which is hilarious to watch].
B. Every ideal team for LV run should have 2 swords 1 gun 1 bomb... so someone needs to suck it up.
C. Guild members take care of you because they know that you know that you are useless ^_^ in 99% of the game.
4. We level our weapons faster because we get to revive our dead swordsmen.
MY IGN is: Thwamp [Because Thwomp was taken]
woot vata! yes, keep it up... gunners are good at vanaduke
Wow and thanks for the mini guide too vata
I had a memorable exerience (in a painful way) last night that I'm sure all guild members have encountered. It just happened to be the first time for me. I responsed to a request for assistance on Level 15 and joined a party in progress. I had no idea of what might be on that level or how far along the party was through the level. It turned out I showed up in the last room before the elevator. So it was a simple mop up and on to the next (unknown) level.
That turned out to be a graveyard and my party did not have much of a chance. I felt particularly useless because, joining in mid-quest, I had no vitapod or flasks. And my teammates were already worn down by the previous encounter. In the end we elected not to revive (I had already done so twice just trying to get to the exit.) I felt bad that I balked at the 80ce necessary to resurrect everyone, but it sure did not look promising with four phantoms running rampant.
Now that I have that confession out of the way, I resolve to give late arrivals to parties some slack because of the handicap they incur by parchuting in. I will encourage my party members to pool their resources to level out their supplies of pickups. And I hope to feel less guilty when I do this again. (Which I will, for we are Virtuous!)
@ Bun
Sorry that i have been gone guys Rl stuff is keeping me busy but im still checking the posts here and looking at the update notes along with keeping my game up to date ill be back soonish once i get things in a decent pattern. Its good to see new member still coming to the guild ^^ keep it running strong Bun
Nale ^^
Helm: Vog Cub
Armor: Vog Cub
Shield: Grey Owlite, Barbarous
Weapons: Dread Venom, Divine Avenger, Argent PewPewer
Activeness: Daily, Killed Vanaduke x12, JK xCountless, new joke boss xEnough to get all the token items
Describe yourself: Mature, cooperative player, like cracking jokes here and there while wrecking Vanaduke. Looking to network and actually meet some people to adventure with on the reg.
Last Updated: June 1st, 2011
Guild Roster: 53 people