Yirumi has left the building.

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Yirumi's picture

For those that knew me, screw y'all for not being on when I said my final farewells! >:( For those that don't however, you may have seen me frequently blowing up my own rear end in Blast Network, or getting stabbed to death on a daily basis in Lockdown, or maybe even just fooling around in a random Haven. I may have gotten a few haters, death threats, all that but I can honestly say it's been a pleasure killing and being killed by you all of the Spiral Knights community. :) What else do people usually put in these things..... I didn't complete any of my goals and y'all don't care anyway so goodbye and take care people. :D

Gave away all my stuff so don't ask, steam and League of Legends name below if you wanna add.

Steam Name: z_genesis
LoL Summoner: Xyntal

Redlawlsy's picture
I never met you...

But I wish I had, good luck with what ever you do after this.

Xxpapaya's picture
The papaya cries

Goodbye, I hope............................Not sure what....................Thanks for..........being part of the Spiral Community =)

Mzculet's picture
Hey I just met you, But this is Crazy!

Bye!, Though we never met.

Koluad's picture

you will forever be missed :3

Zaderules's picture

EYY Yirumi! I'll add you on LoL. My summoner name is the same as this name. Let's play some games :D

Batabii's picture

Are we supposed to know who he is?

Psychodestroyer's picture

Not you. A pity, that.

Bye person I never knew that my friends seem to miss so I will send my farewells too!

Sushh's picture
bai :)

me ruv u rong time!

Blitzhawk's picture

Finally found this post ._. Does this mean we can't call random a carrot anymore? ;_;

Mr-Baldy's picture
Balderus, Lewis-Adams, Simianus, and Amanzi bid thee farewell.

Now I don't have to worry about dying half as much as I normally do!