Greetings forums, I merely wanted to state that I am new to these forums and have also recently joined the exploration of Cradle. I do believe, however, that this wouldn't constitute as a "newblood's request." That is why I have decided to bring up this issue within the general discussions.
While exploring the Clockworks and checking up on the progress of the future gates, I have noticed something rather peculiar. I have noticed that the number of Clockworks with the theme of fire have been few and far between. It appears that I would be lucky if I even found myself within the strongholds of fire and flames.
I am actually in need of some materials from these certain clockworks, but I am fully aware of the fact that I am fully capable of buying these common materials. However, I must ask you this, is there something wrong with the Clockworks of Inferno? Is it because the Crimsonite provides a lesser reward than the other minerals? Is the mineral less common? Is it merely coincidence? Does Winterfest have anything to do with it? Or is it the fact that these particular Clockworks suffer the same curse that many an explorer suffers when exploring any region of ash and volcanoes?
Any response is greatly appreciated.
The most commonly farmed stratum, with it's themes being undead and fire. Others will probably explain better/ know more on this subject.