i tryed but a 4star helm form her said it was 2k and got spamed guess i should have knew, she was selling in chat not 2 trade well just a heads up to all
dont buy anything form myth-bel
I think that you have some bigger issues to worry about if you think that someone will sell you a 4 star equipement part for a mesly 2000 crowns.
Offering to sell a 4* item for way below market value and then not doing it is a little weird and a little annoying, but it's hardly worth making a thread encouraging people to boycott someone. Given the lucidity of the OP, I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a miscommunication. Are you saying that Myth-bel was offering to sell the helm for 2k, and then when you offered to buy it, they spammed you?
well she was selling 5/4star thing and i saw the 4star thing and maybe you guys are right i think she means 20k i just didnt see the zero or something

Are you sure she meant 2k crowns? Seriously dude, no stranger will sell you a 4 or 5 star items for 2k crowns. If the item had a medium UV, it would be more like 2k crystal energy. You didn't lose anything by not buying from her. You were NOT scammed. However, you made yourself look foolish by posting YOUR misunderstanding on a public forum.
sorry all i tink i got a cold today and stuff so i hope myth will forgive me :{

um dude... she was selling a port to a a t3 basil with 4* and 5* recipes for 2k crowns. i know this because i bought that from her and got my gran faust and vog cub recipes. you should try reading the entire message in trade chat.

Don't sweat it shOtlOl, everyone makes mistakes. No harm done :)
This thread is a hilarious story of incrimination, redemption, and repentance. Now all we need is myth-bell to come and offer forgiveness and then we should sell the rights to a movie studio. Production could start in 2011 people!!
No, no movie. Thread's over. Move along.

Someone should probably shove this in the graveyard so that myth-bel doesn't get any more bad publicity.
Opps! did i just bump this up? >.>

1dinosaursqw said:
"2.This game forum is not nice to read, very incomprehensible since everyone is most of the time making pointless points. A.K.A. Spamming or trolling (Largely due to the fact there's a lack of a rating system for the forum posts or editors)"
Dinosaur, what are you doing? =P
Doesn't hurt to ask the seller to clarify before you make a deal or accept an offer. No need to post about it on the forums.
Could u provide more details. I really have no idea what happened here. Did she say she'd sell u a 4 star but then not? Take your items/money? What do you mean she spammed you?...