How would you react if someone in a 2 star wolver set walked up to you and said: zomg u gramer nubs ar so anoying stop speeking gramer noone neds it it just moar werk
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Give them a finger :3
If they are trying to act professional, just ignore them :P
"No one needs grammar and spelling? Dude, do you even learn? If your mother language is English, you jolly well learn it." That's pretty much how I will react.
By the title of the thread I was totally expecting something like this.
^what he said.
They're either trolling, or too stupid to deserve your attention.
um what? 360 degrees is the same direction
Start a pointless arguement until he snaps it and says something that gurantees a ban. Provocation.
"stop speeking gramer"
So gramer is a new language? Lol
But seriously english is not EVERYONES first language.
Well, all of us here are just trying to practice good english so that we may be able to beat you at your failing grades at english.
In other words, MAKE HIM BURN!
Wow this is really funny watching your reactions to this
Leave, as in "to go out or away from." I'm beginning to think your English is about as bad as that guy's.
This forum is suppose to be fun, it shouldn't insult anyone
I found that post fun. It was of the brand of obvious sarcastic humor that is likely to missed (and was therefore a poor choice on my part) and is not an insult. I was almost certain you knew what "leave" meant, and made that post to get you to realize what you'd asked.
It's just that when you decided to mention that my english was just about as bad as the wolver nublet (the "guy who doesn't like grammer) was rather offensive
I don't see how it's offensive. Your English would only be as bad as his if my implication that you didn't know the word "leave" were true. Since it is obviously false, the rest of that statement is not true either. Again, it was said in jest. I do know humor is frequently offensive if interpreted a certain way, but that's part of the fun of it.
Being referred to as the grammar hating noob is insulting because he has horrible English
#1 Hit them with a Grintovec Charge until they're in a corner...
#2 Slowly insert my Swift Flourish unto their re--err... chest...
#3 ???
#4 Profit
I would say: shut the *** up
and keep on doing what I was doing
If he continues then I let him continue and file a report and inform him that I filed a report and why.
They usually stop after that... Dunno why
Change havens :)
or /ignore always works
Fine, How 'bout this
You people are all noobs of the highest caliber
What more fun could you have? A nuisance is a nuisance. You announce a competition with 1kcr for the noobiest noob and give a rolling commentary if you wished.
Why fix what isnt broken, captainshockwave?
This forum is about humor, and where is the fun in /ignore, If this really happened in the game, sure you should ignore them, but lets see how creative you guys/girls can be
I would respond in math.
"18-89*879(89) = 567/9001?"
If you didn't like my previous suggestion, here's another: offer 3 of them 500cr each if 2 of the 3 can remain silent for 5 minutes. Watch them try to decide who gets to talk.
And this forum isn't exactly for humor. It is for (polls!) general discussion of the game, without emphasis on hardware, the wiki, etc. If you want to have fun, play SK.
I'd react by saying "Suit yourself then."
If necessary I'd ignore the guy or switch havens. Then I'd whistle and keep doing what I was doing.