-Ignore the video if you don't like it, I just want the song name and the youtube guy does not know the song name as well, so don't bother asking him.-
Right, here's the deal.
There's two song in this video,
one is a mario song and the other is a song that I do not know.
I want you to find the song that I do not know.
Yes, there's only two song and he added the mario song in between the song that I do not know.
-What you don't have/shouldn't to do-
Please don't give me link to a mario song because I'm not looking for that.
Do not bother the account user of that video for song name, he doesn't know the name either.
-What you need to do-
Find the name of the song that I do not know.
Post the name and where you found it as a comment.
and 250 ce is yours.
my google-fu is weak, evidently.