So we have players screaming and bawling at each other, and they neither receive a message nor get banned while if you DARE say "noob" to a goon, you get KICKED without a refund and a nice "I'm-going-to-ban-you-if-you-dont-shut-up" message. How WONDEROUS.
I've never seen such hypocritical staff in my life
While we don't like the word, we don't actually suspend people for saying "noob"* (though there are some much more offensive "synonyms" people use on occasion that we do take action on, and we'll also take action if "noob" is accompanied by a string of abusive adjectives.) If at any point you've received a warning or suspension for chat-related issues and you're not sure why, please feel free to contact us privately and we'll be happy to provide you with the chatlog that had the issue in it. You can do that via in-game support request or by e-mail.
I'd also like to mention in case you are unaware that the person submitting a complaint is not informed about any disciplinary action taken. If you were suspended (I'm using a general you here; I haven't looked at your history, so I'm going on what you've said here), we wouldn't inform anyone else, because that's between you and us. Likewise, if you submitted a complaint and someone else was warned/suspended/banned, that would be between us and that someone else. Just because you don't see something happening doesn't mean it hasn't happened.
- Hyp
* Though for the sake of everyone's sanity, follow Wheaton's Law and don't run around calling everybody noobs all the time just because I said we don't suspend for that alone.
Edit: thanks for providing the support link, Psychodestroyer.
I get a cookie, right?
Tell me I get a cookie.
Or at least one of the ferrets in your next pay...cage...thing...
No problem. Ish.
Lol is Hyperion like the only GM/Mod that is not on vacations? Pit Boss gives you a thumbs up Hyp!
^Hyperlink to wiki, just in case Hyperion is wondering what a pit boss could possibly be.
Perhaps you could just take up your ban with the GMs via support first, you idiot?
Actually, relating to the thread that the OP was taking about, with regards to (i am assuming) inappropriate language. Why is there a ban to accompany that. I mean this game does have a 13+ rating on it for cases such as possible language that people might not like. And even though everyone can throw stuff at me, (which I expect) you can not say that swearing is not a common thing. You walk down a crowded street, chances are you will hear possibly a single swear word from a person dropping something important. I mean if one person doesn't like that, they don't just jump on the phone and call 000 (I am not American for the record and 000 is the phone number we Australians are meant to use to call for police and such) and have him sent away. Same can be said for this game. A single swear in a game of lockdown, honestly could get you banned even if you have it within context (for example extreme cases of lag where the game is unbearable and you just need to shout to the world you frustration. I agree that harassment and insults with the purpose and intent of hurting or putting someone down through constant profound language must be stopped, but being banned for a saying a word like noob is totally unjust. A player should have to give proof, through screen shots and messages that they were being bullied, not that a person swore because they were angry at a lockdown game.
1) 13+ is not for possible strong language, it's about some American law, on data retention if I remember well (way too complicated for children under 13).
2) Minimum age for strong language probably depends according the country, it's 16+ in my home country (though I don't think anyone actually check that).
3) SK isn't marketed as a game that could include such strong language. As such, somewhere in the User Agreement you signed should be something that forbid you from doing that.
4) As OOO is a small company, they can't actually enfore that rule if there is no report. Actually, even big companies cannot enforce that rule without report.
5) for the comparison with the street : street is public space. SK is not. OOO have a responsibility over what's in the game. That includes swearing, amongst other things.
6) you also need to take into account the proportion. If someone is swearing constantly and harassing people, in most countries it IS a reason to call police. Same goes with SK. You probably won't get into much trouble for an isolated case (actually, I can attest that first hand, I received a warning for swearing on the forum. Just a little warning).
7) you don't need to have any proof, since OOO have all the proof they want, as long as it's in game. They will search the logs to attest it. Which, by the way, is more reliable than a screenshot, because screenshots could be tempered with.
8) see the touch "Enter" on your keyboard ? Use it please.
"I agree that harassment and insults with the purpose and intent of hurting or putting someone down through constant profound language must be stopped, but being banned for a saying a word like noob is totally unjust."
Case being that the OP is assuming that is what he/she was banned for, and whether ot not that is actually the case being a different matter entirely, because unless requested, such level of detail isn't provided.
" honestly could get you banned even if you have it within context (for example extreme cases of lag where the game is unbearable and you just need to shout to the world you frustration."
I'm pretty sure you can successfully appeal a ban in such a case. Profanity is supposed to be reportable 'when asked to stop' or w/e, but Eury (I think) said somewhere along the line that they have nothing against dropping "a frustrated f-bomb", or using it in jest with friends, but using such terms to insult other players being against the rules
So we have players screaming and bawling at each other, and they neither receive a message nor get banned while if you DARE say "noob" to a goon, you get KICKED without a refund and a nice "I'm-going-to-ban-you-if-you-dont-shut-up" message. How WONDEROUS.
it depends on what you say and what you are talking about and how you are talking about it.
I've got multiple warning from the admins telling me to watch my mouth for language. I have talked about sex and insulted (some) people by being arrogant. I got at least 2 if not 3 warning about it. Maybe because it wasn't abusive and wasn't extremely annoying.
I always keep my calm. So I can be pissed and insult you but in a calm and non-violent way.
I never make personal insults but always stupid/out in the air/sarcastic insults
Like... "yeah, you are soooo good you died at Phase 1 of Vanaduke..."
/think noob...
I've told people they are noob so many times you have no idea. But it is true, there is nothing wrong with being a noob, I was one myself when I started this game and had trouble vs JK (or Snarbolax for that matter)
Harassment is the problem here. Telling someone he's noob and move along, you'll get nothing... You stay here and keep on piling, you will get ban (I guess)
We are all noobs at the beginning... if you are truly noob, and you don't accept the fact, but instead defending against yourself, then it's unethical. But then yet again, the other party can't call you noob, because it's just insulting.
Both sides will reach this conflict, so how? Do a showdown at high noon?
But of course, try not to be truly insulting. People make mistakes, it's a game. So you die, maybe it's a mistake, maybe not, who cares. Have fun! Don't be such a hardcore gamer.
maybe its because they were being a butthurt too
We are all newbs at the start. Not noobs.
OK, grammer lesson over
Basically, what everyone else said
As the title of the subject says, there should be another reason for reporting which I didnt seem to find last time which is reporting for "AFK". Cuse personally I suffered from a random guy going afk for like 10mins on the boss stage of Vana, and he didnt even come back forcing us to leave.(That's why I dont like doing Vana with random ppl but the guild was out of energy lol)
1) Forum rules state not to discuss terms of being banned on the forums. Send a support ticket instead, if to either appeal your ban or to ask what the ban was for.
2) 'scream and bawling', or in other words, whining like 5 year olds, is not grounds for ban. However, insulting, profanity and harrassment are, if someone bothers to hit the complain button.
3) This isn't hypocrisy. This would be what's called Double-Standards if anything.
4) They hit Report for calling them a noob. You didn't do anything about said irritating whiners. GM's aren't Santa; they have to be informed of a dispute.