What's your favorite movement control?

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Myqpalzm's picture

I always use the WASD keys when exploring the Clockwork, and mouse when chilling out in Haven.

Flowchart's picture


Zaffy-Laffy's picture
Zaffy is Laffy

I'm pretty sure a stylus works better.

Zeddy's picture


Hawxindanite's picture
Mouse for moving and WASD

Mouse for moving and WASD when kiting and fighting
I always use right click for attacking

Xxpapaya's picture
The papaya grins

I use the AWSD keys for movement, the Z key, for attacking, and the X key for shielding/defending. Basically, I use the defaults ^^

Fradow's picture
Gameboard + mouse.

Gameboard + mouse.

Psychodestroyer's picture

WASD and mouse.

Aureate's picture
Processing Thoughts of You Always

WASD for movement. Mouse is reserved for aiming and firing/shielding.
My arrow keys only see use when I'm in Haven and not actually in any need to point at things to shoot at them. And even then only because my other hand is occupied. Because of eating food.

Dukeplatypus's picture
Game pad for fighting with

Game pad for fighting with anything but guns.


i dunno what to say......


Gkku's picture
Combo of WASD and middle

Combo of WASD and middle mouse (bound to move fwd).

Originally I bound move fwd to middle mouse just to lazily move around without using WASD all the time, but later (especially in the winterfest mission) I noticed switching between WASD and mouse depending on the area made my movement super efficient.

Batabii's picture
Arrow keys are for losers and

Arrow keys are for losers and noobs. LEARN 2 STRAFE

I'm more comfortable with WASD+mouse but I've been trying to get practice at my Playstation2 controller. Left stick is move, right stick is face, L1 shields and R1 attacks.

Pepperonius's picture
Batabii. Stop name calling.

I personally prefer WASD, but the game is designed to be used however you are most comfortable. Calling people names because they don't enjoy your method of playing? I knew of a guy who tried to eliminate an entire race because they were different from him. Maybe you should calm down, and accept that people are different.

Immortous's picture

Seriously Larry....quit putting people down all the time.

WASD for movement, mouse if I get tired of it though.
Right-click to attack.
Space-bar and left shift to shield.

Fehzor's picture
Dat Larry

I use WASD and Space or left click to shield. Z or right click is attack. That way, when I'm eating stuff, I can play with just my left hand.. as long as I'm cool with being stuck in One Direction.

Sometimes I also use a PC controller that looks like a Playstation one, but only when I'm bombing.

And the steering wheel is hilarious and awesome.

Psychodestroyer's picture

"Arrow keys are for losers and noobs. LEARN 2 STRAFE"

1) Unmap Face North/south/east/west from the arrow Keys
2) Configure directional movement to arrow keys.
2) Aim and attack with the mouse.
3) ???
4) Profit.

Retaeq's picture
WASD and arrow keys.

WASD and arrow keys. Attack/defend is default.

Luguiru's picture


That means WASD for you normal people.

Trollingyou's picture
WASD keys to move, mouse to

WASD keys to move, mouse to aim and fire, left alt to shield, mouse wheel to switch weapons.

Pretty much default except the shield I believe

Batabii's picture
I meant using the arrow keys

I meant using the arrow keys without any rebinding..

I could have said "move forward/back/left/right is for losers", same basic idea.

strafing is just better though.

Also as long as people mention shield/attack, why the hell does the game have the controls completely the opposite of what every other game seems to? I've never seen another pc game that uses m1 for defend/alt fire and m2 for attack.

Aero-Shark's picture
Doc's controls.

WASD to move, left click to attack, right click to shield. Mouse wheel to switch weapons.

Zeddy's picture

It doesn't. By default, the left button moves like you would in Diablo and its kin. Keeping the right button as attack and using left to shield is due to certain bugs that arise/used to arise if the left button was the action button.

Spold's picture
←↑→↓ = Movement Z =

←↑→↓ = Movement
Z = Attack/Action
X = Shield

Poyo-Poyo's picture
For missions i use WASD for

For missions i use WASD for moving, mouse right for attacking, mouse left for shielding, mouse to aim and spacebar to switch weapons. When im at haven using SK as a chat room, i use the arrow keys so i can eat with the other hand.

Brownyoshi's picture
X button and mouse

X button on keyboard for shielding

Mouse for everything else!

Deltikon's picture
Master race controls:

WASD for char movement.
Shift for shielding (who thought the default key was a good idea to use?).
Mouse to aim/fire.

Fleet-Miss-Gun's picture

WASD for movement
J for attack
K for shield
And L to strafe