"Touhou mode"

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Malware-Exe's picture

"touhou mode". Rules: reduce health to 1 half a bar (or whatever it takes to get your knight a one hit kill), do not heal, finally wear proto. Also in the tradition of touhou shmup games all runs have to be with guns.

I saw this video named "Sonic mode" that had the player going into Firestorm Citadel in proto and wanted to see if anyone can do this "touhou mode" challenge. If you want proof you would have to die and "watch" for those that don't have video recorders like me.

huh? (sarcasm alert)

Touhou mode? huh what? i only know Tofu.

As for weap usage, a gun? huh can't atk close combat because 1 hp? what no bomb? don't like charge before get killed by monster?

If you mean by 1 hit and you out its normal brah.

Anyway! i'm not sure if use gun give challenge,bomb in closed room i can see its a challenge,1 hp when using a 3* sword in T3 i can see that as challenge but gun? rly? don't like to get hit ? huh ._.

Xxpapaya's picture
The papaya giggles

Next thing you know, people will be wanting My Little Pony mode :P

Shidara's picture

Well, if the point is to stay at 1 HP, what does it matter what armour you use? Say, if I want to use Nameless/Justifier for handgun ASI, or Shadowsun for DB I'm not allowed to? Also, what of shields? And then there isn't really a bomb equivalent in SK (aside from energy revives, but that requires you to die, and bombs as weapons have infinite usage) so I take it that idea is scrapped?

Other than that, "Touhou-mode" sounds a bit... I dunno, it rubs me the wrong way somehow. Don't get me wrong, I love the series myself, but Touhou is but one of many in its genre so to me it would sound more appropriate to call it a Danmaku-mode...except there isn't really much danmaku to be had in SK, sadly... So I guess (an even) more appropriate name would be Daredevil-mode?
...Wow Shidara, how can you make such a fuss about the naming? Good Lord.

Anyway, there isn't really all that much information here so I suggest you enlighten us a bit more by placing the finer details on the table.

Malware-Exe's picture
You've got good points Shidara

Let's make it daredevil mode. Forget proto gear take any armor you want. But let's see, you could use a shield for "focus" movement I guess. I don't know what im going on about. I guess you really can't compare this to Touhou project. Or maybe you can name a new character Reisen Udongein Inaba make the personal color purple and make a gunner? Course then you would have a problem fitting the name in. Oh off topic whoops. Let's see now touhou from my point of view (note: this is my thoughts and not from the touhou wiki) "Touhou project" is a series of shmup games created by Team Shanghai Alice and by one person that goes by the name ZUN. ZUN made wonderful masterpieces of music found in the games. Now the art.....not so much. The goal in these shmup games is what you would expect in any shmup: fly in, rack up a big score by shooting down enemy ships, get power ups, and basically win the game. Only "Touhou project" LOVES to throw massive amounts of bullets on screen. There are also fan games that take characters like Suika Ibuki, Marisa Kirisame, Yukari Yakumo, and a whole lot more and make "fandom". At least I thought that's where you were going by "enlighten us a bit more".

Shidara's picture
Eh, no. lol

I meant, enlighten us more about the challenge itself. :P
I'm already familiar with the series itself, be it games or written works, canon or otherwise.
What I do seek is more details regarding the challenge you're setting up, as we have but very vague pointers to go by.

Oh, and on a side-note, I managed to create something that could sort of resemble a bullet-hell in the mission Ghost in the Machine, by spawning a truck-load of bombies in the left room of Iron Hulk and setting them all off, creating a curtain of bullets in the process. It's quite an amazing sight, if not a brief one.

I should also add that you should specify what levels the challenge is aimed at. FSC seems to be a popular choice, but with a gun the slow mobs make it all too easy with ranged-attackers restricted entirely to Gun Puppies. Granted, one could still make a mistake and get mobbed into a corner but I suspect the target audience for this kind of challenge are those who are less prone to do just that. One example (albeit out-of-the-way) where bullet-hell is present would be the optional energy gate in Aurora Isles; The Low Gardens, whereas Gun Puppies spawn in three rows of three accompanied by Silkwings to heal them. The main draw with this sort of challenge is that not a lot of levels are laid out in this sort of fashion, and even the aforementioned example can be easily handled so long as you know the basics of SHMUPS. I would love for Three Rings to make levels that make use of ranged-combat and more fast-paced combat action in general. The game is simply just too easy for most veterans.

Juances's picture

For true Touhou mode, you'll have to find that energy gate with lots of gun puppies in Aurora isles or some similar danger room.
Or start practicing in an arena by satartling 8 puppies at once.

Eclaium's picture
as a japanese

Touhou-東方-means "Eastern"...in Japanese...eastern mode? lolwut

uh..well...erm...danger room with full of gun puppies should be nice place to accept the challenge.

Zaderules's picture

um... how bout in a DANGER mission. preferably. Heart of Ice or Compound 42. I'll give my CR to the person that finishes HoI or C42 with no deaths in Touhou mode. :D

Thunderbog's picture

For everyone's anxiety sake, here's a reference for 'Touhou'.


Also, Shadowki, spreading Gensokyo faraway to somewhere ZUN doesn't know is fatality.

Hence the community is utterly confused by yer 'touhou mode'. Therefore I time paradox ye like a yukarin

Retequizzle's picture
Let's just go Devil May Cry

Let's just go Devil May Cry and call it "Heaven or Hell" mode.

Has a better ring to it anyway.

Bluebrawlerneo's picture

Twenty T3 gun puppies lined up against the sides of a room.


Erridunno's picture
Sounds terrible

Sounds terrible