Found this out when I was helping a friend with RJP and whacked a mini with my Rocket Hammer.
Found this out when I was helping a friend with RJP and whacked a mini with my Rocket Hammer.
I just remembered... Guess what the only other slime that's weak to Elemental is? The Void Gel!
And the Sanctuary (the one place safe from the Swarm) is often referred to as a "Dream", and the only enemies who could inflict Sleep were the Sloom & Sloombarago, who are are:
a) Long gone
b) Slimes!
[conspiracy]Mini-Slimes are Swarm infiltrators trying to weaken the Slime Monarchy from within! They knew that the Slimes were the one family that might be able to defeat them![/conspiracy]
peircing weap? you might not belive it.
whan i was 2* i got my antigua and just playing around with mini-slime is surprise with its dmg not too low now i have DTB it seems to be a bit lower then elemantal dmg but not that low.Oh yeah also blight needle .
I saw that today as i was spamming the charge of my Blizzbrand and saw that they were weak towards elemental but only to charge attacks.Another thing is that they aren't weak towards shadow either.
I think it's a remnant from back when there was pretty much just normal and elemental damage. This whole damage type trinity was properly integrated later so people would craft more stuff.
It's also why most weapons are normal or elemental.
Their damage font is OMG HUGE CRIT when you hit them with ele, but they still take more damage from shadow. the number styling signifying normal or crit damages are just swapped, due to a little oversight on integration, as was said above.
I found that out like 6 monts ago with my kilowatt pulsar. I didn't mind that because i thought it was a bug
Just like the cake :3
Mineh Jelleh ish weakz to tickling :3 Da hammah tickles 'em