I worry that the battle sprites will (like everything) be more useful to the sword user than any other class.
If the dragon has strong ranged attack then it will lesson the need to carry guns.
If a gunner/bomber chooses the defensive sprite it will make us even more useless than ever (comparatively). I fear the defense sprite will be the epitome of swiftstrike/BTS vs a defensive shield. Anyone carrying the defense sprite into battle will just be someone who makes the party run slower than it otherwise would.
Naturally i assume the toxic sprite will be somewhat useless as poisoning things is generally unneccassary. And if it does cause a nice strong poison it will seem very weird that there is a carry-along sprite that is more useful than the venom viler. (also, it is kinda ridiculous that vials are better than haze bombs, but don't get me started on that. It would be like throwing a 4 times stronger sword at an enemy for a vial...ugh).
This will probably all be needless worry as ultimately everyone will be have to simply take the DPS sprite if they want to be the best they can. And taking other pets will be a hipster move. Hope i'm wrong, but i don't see how it can go any other way among those trying to be their most effective.
I'm worried players will run in circles until the sprites kill everything.
Enemy AI is too dumb and easily kitted.
Poison is underrated but actually quite powerfull. Enemy is weaker, your weapon deals more damage (and unlike say having skolver wich only buffs YOU, you're helping the entire party). Who knows, it may give better DPS than the dragon fire.
I even fear such toxic pet could be OP in RJP and OCH...