Adding pets?

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Orangeo's picture

Well, came back to the fourms, and... pets. First off I'm gonna say they look nice and could be put into the game well enough. However, when I was reading the patch note (patch preview? preview note?), I noticed that nick wrote something like "pets are the most common suggestion" or something like that. They really aren't the most favored suggestion out there. There are lots and lots of pets threads, but each one generaly has relatively few positive responses. Good suggestions generaly reside in a single thread, and have lots of good comments (you know, the oppisite of pet threds). Again, I'm not saying we shouldn't try them out, just be sure not to make it look like you're rewarding thread-spam. I have a feeling people are going to get their palls to all make threads for the same thing, in hopes of making it look more popular than it really is.

Deltikon's picture

As long as it doesn't make the game any more p2w or ridiculously easy than it already is, I'm okay with them. I just hope the devs buff the monsters before we get to try the new ways to send them to oblivion.

Luguiru's picture

The end result determines which contributed more, the ceaseless spam or the rare threads/posts/things-with-words that make it without breaking it. We all know how Severage and his guild fe- obsession eventually led to a big update yet almost none of the "I want pets/houses" people bothered to whine for guilds.

As long as none of the pets are simply oh my liquids it shoots fire/lasers/panties from its eyes and deals derpbillion damage and I never have to do anything more than smash my face on the same button to win it should sail alright. In a bathtub. Unlike that stupid rubber duck not being a boat. What kind of duck does it think it is, being the same size as a plastic toy boat in the bathtub? What kind of twisted science let that happen? Even one person boats are huge compared to a single duck. Unless the rubber duck is actually derpbillion tiny rubber ducks combined into a giant rubber duck robot. Oh my liquids. That would be amazing.

I completely lost track of what I was talking about.

Zeddy's picture

Let's make a new thread about fixing shard bombs every day.

Little-Juances's picture

Are you implying developers read thread titles but not the content inside?
wink wink

Rangerwillx's picture

Great, pets.
Seems like OOO is giving stuff out to a 8-12 audience instead of a 13+.

Theopholis's picture
@Rangerwillx 8-12?

How do you figure? I'm in my 20's and am looking forward to getting these as much as anyone.

@Zeddy Bro, just get over it.

Orangeo's picture
Zeddy... yes. Theo, there are

Zeddy... yes.

Theo, there are grown men that watch my little pony and ten-year olds who play halo. Target audience =/= actual customers. Just sayin'

I think they're fine but..

I think they're fine but, I would've rathered something like entering the core so we can actualy advance on the plot instead of little side things.

The vets are strong as it is. We don't need to make it easier for them, but buffing wolvers and stuff could possibly get it nerfed again due to not everyone being a proffesional.
If anything, adding an extremist area hard as SL Snarby then going onwards until harder than SL vana itself.
Okay I'm offtracking so.. I'm gonna stop there

tl;dr They should've add the cores insides because of plot and vets yo.
and battle sprites are ok but not needed

Traevelliath's picture

Erm... Why don't people see the inheritance flaw in opening the core? If you open the core, then the Spiral Knights have succeeded in their mission and can leave. That means, if they open the core, they'll HAVE to make some silly excuse to make us stay, or the MMO will just end as soon as the first group of knights return. Instead of opening the Core, I think they should expand on the Crimson Order. Of The Nine, we've only met Seerus who is probably still alive (If you never find the body of a villain you just killed, he's probably alive). We got Herax masterminding Compound 42 and then... what? Razwog? I doubt if he's part of the Nine.

Even then, making new levels takes a lot of effort. Took them at least a few weeks per Danger Mission, and those are just 3 floors, one of which is filled with boxes.

As someone with over 1600+ hours of gameplay, I'm really excited for these Sprites because its new and different. I honestly don't care if the game gets easier, as long as it gets more fun. Moments like ripping the Royal Jelly apart with a torrent of Fang of Vog charges, or perfectly timing some switch flipping to down both Roarmulus Twins at once just doesn't really get old for me. As long as the Sprites are just fun to use, then I wont mind the game getting easier. I can solo FSC easily, buffing a few mobs wont make them any larger of a speed bump while I'm plowing through my runs. They'll just irritate newer players.