What keeps you in this game? I'm talking to you veteran players.

47 replies [Last post]
Small-Irish-Eyes's picture

As a platypus/pie hybrid that has stuck with this game ever since Steam release, I've had those times where I dont even go on for several months due to boredom of sucking in lockdown or Vanaduke getting tired of being killed. I've seen some major players quit due to boredom also.Then, I just come back on the game just ONCE and I meet interesting people to talk to. So, my reason for staying is the community that is so fun to hang with. No offense Three Rings, but several recent updates blow. (BUT I WANTZ A MEWCAT WARRIOR PET) :) Now, I'm asking everyone for your reason for continuing to play this game. And I especially want opinions from other veterans, like Xairathan and Chawkthree (Check his channel guyz!).

-Bai from Platipie :D

Zeddy's picture

There aren't many other games to go to if I wanna full-time bomb things.

I tend to find variety in trying out lesser used things and basing guilds around them.

Aero-Shark's picture

Aside from my guild, I just remain hopeful that some day; story-related content aside from the Shadow Lairs will be released, as much as it seems like it's been forgotten about.

Canozo's picture

My Guild. And Lockdown.

Yup, Guild Lockdown lol.

Amaki's picture

It's not a question if whether I want to quit. My guild needs me. They've been through too much to have someone else leave them.

I'm sensing a trend ...

Small-Irish-Eyes's picture
Thx for the replies :}

Nah my guild isn't good enough for guild lockdown. P.S. GUARDIANS ARE OVERPOWERED.

Zephyrgon's picture


Jade-Rabbit's picture

Flowers : )

Brownyoshi's picture
New items

Really, it's just gaining money so I can buy more CE so I can craft and grow more weapons and armor. Increase my variety.

Though I still sometimes leave for a long time, but come back occasionally.

I hope they continue the storyline soon!

Gkku's picture
Because I've yet to get my

Because I've yet to get my 45K prestige badge, and there's so much stuff left to try.

If I left now, I'd feel like I didn't finish.
In fact, I just recently crafted a suda and an iron slug just to see what all the complaints are about, and I'm loving both so far.
I'm even considering picking up bombing just to see what it's like.

And of course, in the back of my mind, there's the small hope that those cobalt derps down at depth 29 will figure out how to open that thing someday.

Small-Irish-Eyes's picture
I feel so close to you right now. Like a forcefield (guess song)

Gkku, as one of the few,brave, vortex swordsmen out there, I figured that bombers probably have the most variety in their weapons in the game. :) They have from black holes to fiery mist to shard clusters to ones that go kaboom in a smiley face. :) Problem for me though is I dont have enough CE to get weapon slots or to start a new playstyle for me. :( However, I do like to give random 3*stuff to people. :D

Hungran's picture

The market

Traevelliath's picture

Main thing is my guild. I don't want to let the people in my guild down if I suddenly disappeared.

To keep myself from just idling in Haven, watching snipes waddle around, I keep striving to get more and more equipment. Throughout the game, I have followed my ADHD driven gut, grabbing things that were shiny, or at least telling myself to make said shiny things. Yes, it occasionally backfires. However, this impulsive drive has given me such a large variety of gear for almost every situation (Still working on Danger missions...). If it wasn't for me saying "Hrm... that looks cool... I'm going to get one," I'd never would have picked up my Shiver (No pun intended), my Voltaic Tempest, my Chaos Set, my Shadowsun Set, my Mercurial Set, my Furious Flamberge, my Combuster, my Sentenza, my Electron Vortex, my Triglav, my Valiance, and more. Admittedly some of the equipment above almost never sees the light of day. However things like Shadowsun, Chaos, Sentenza, and Combuster have become integral parts of my arsenal.

In short, I get more gear and keep getting more gear.

Hollafamer's picture

Two things the forums and my guild. Got lots if people i like to still talk to so i stick around for that reason.

Xairathan's picture
Funny thing is I just

Funny thing is I just announced my retirement about a week ago

What did keep me in this game was the community and the merching; however ever since the market took a huge tank up the [rear end orifice] I finally decided to step down into retirement. Given my obvious love for dragons (my costume cough cough) I'll probably return to give these Battle Sprites a spin; if that doesn't give me something worth playing for, however, I'll ease back into my ROTMG playing. I mean, the community at EoS is lovely, but sadly that alone isn't enough to simply keep me playing a game. Not to mention some issues with merching that totally defy logic, but that's for a different point.

Erridunno's picture
Rwt.. haha kinda joking

Rwt.. haha kinda joking

Zaffy-Laffy's picture
Zaffy is Laffy

Laffiness from everyone. Friends and guild, people to talk to, /lonely.

Rabeet-Ahsan's picture
So much content left to

So much content left to try,so much people to meet,so much monsters to kill.
That keeps me here although my interest in this game has decreased.

Melisan's picture
I love my friends, I like

I love my friends, I like helping new promising players.

Psychodestroyer's picture

1) My SKing friends. They're better than any friend I can seem to make over here RL. 80% of the people I meet are a bunch of bucket-clones of each other >.>

2) The Gameplay and Graphics. It's awesome, takes some skill and some luck. But it's just really fun to play.

Onetime's picture
Even though I "quit" and sold

Even though I "quit" and sold all of my epic gear (miss you already Darkfang), I like many others came back. The one thing that keeps myself attached to this game (besides being a great game and having a great community), is simply the ability to teach and help others grow to love and excel in this game.

Dendios's picture
"Love and Loyalty" "Amour et

"Love and Loyalty"

"Amour et Fidélité"

Vbunny's picture

I think for me it's probably the warm and welcoming community both ingame and the forums. my guild's pretty nice too though

Tennis's picture
@Xaraithan I've built and


I've built and burned through so many characters in ROTMG... It's the only game I both love and hate. :p

Anyways, I'd say Lockdown is the only thing that keeps me somewhat attached to this game, but even then that's going downhill really fast. I'll probably play more when the battle sprites make their appearance but OOO said that would be released sometime in the first half of the year, and right now it's the first month.

Chawkthree's picture
Why I'm still here :P

1.(Guilds) I love spending time with my guild mates. Be it a guild run, GvG, or just hanging in the guildhall bedroom swapping interesting stories. I've been in my current guild for about a year and a half, and in that time I've made some great friends. It's amazing how attached you can become to people that you've met over the internet :)

2.(Video Material) After grinding my way to full 5* I decided that it would be fun to make videos about Sk. Originally I posted some godawful gameplay which got about 15 views in a month. Since that didn't seem to be working I decided to put together the gear demonstration videos and get to know some of my guild mates better by doing lets plays with them. People seemed to enjoy those videos and I've continued uploading them for some time now. As long as I have time and new 5* gear to obtain I'll continue pumping the videos out.

3.(The Community) Spiral Knight's community is very kind and fun to hang around most of the time. I've met some of my best friends through random haven conversations, and I've only had to ignore 1 player since I started the game.

Draycos's picture

-Old friends and my guildmates (a few KnS people and some TNW)

-The forums and its inhabitants (Doctorspacebar, Luguiru, Thunderbog, Psychodestroyer, Schattentag, and more)

-Preparing for upcoming content (gear, currency, materials, etc), of current interest is Battle Sprites (DRAGOOOON)

-Though the gameplay gets old quickly after I've done it already, it's fun to go back to for a short while (excluding Lockdown... Good lord, I hate that cesspool of egoism)

-Steam Trading: anything I don't use in SK I can redeem for TF2 items, and vice versa. Even games on their own!

Eltia's picture
Cooperstown, ND

It's the people of course. Otherwise there are plentiful of single player titles you can play.

That's why Guild management is very important and critical to the success of SK. Game mechanics, you can tweak. Economy, you can repair (to a certain extend). But people survive beyond the game. Poorly implemented guild management tools make people harder to bond and citing from the SK Community Standard, make the game play "dirty".

e.g. non-instantized Mist Well and its dispersion mechanism is not robust. It introduces free rider problem (even if the wells are placed behind doors) and the downside risk is not bounded (any free rider can drain all the mist).

Batabii's picture
New gear and new events. I

New gear and new events. I still have a rather large list of weapons I want, and I haven't even tried most of the armor sets.

Mtax's picture
Good question...

It's grat game... but in perspective of 'Spiral Only' that game don't makes big sense for vanguards... we can do only one thing; farm to make items. Farm to farm better?
You can have all items, all accesories, costumes, bilions k of prestige, but in real fact: Why you need that?

In my situation im playing for two... maybe third reasons;

- CE-Games Steam trade
- I'm Guild Master
~I still wait for the good updates, what will add sense for that game...

Fallconn's picture

The ability to socialize with people.

Michaelb's picture
node 58425

Hope that my constant raving will bring back the old RSS.

Fallconn's picture

I miss it too Mikey :/

Acid-Snow-Wiki's picture

Although I (Acid-Snow) am not fully a veteran, I have been around awhile. What brought me back was mental numbness and exhaustion from other things in life (and sufficient free time, of course). Playing Minesweeper is more painful and apparently less rewarding than playing SK.

Batabii's picture
The new RSS is fine, they

The new RSS is fine, they just have to either buff the fuse time or the damage.

Syvaa's picture
Not much

I don't play as much as I used to but if I'm not busy with school/music/sports then I'll log on for a bit.
I usually play a lot when new content is released and then eventually drift back to other things in life.
With school starting back up though, I'll hardly be on at all. I will check out these Battle Sprites though.

I've met a lot of great people too. It says a lot about them if they've been able to keep me around these
past two years:)


Vlad's picture
Beta <3 Nostalgia

I've been playing since beta, and I can tell you right now I've pretty much experienced everything SK has to offer.
I joined on 12/20/10 seen this game grow from a small community which everyone hung out in the arcade.

I dunno, the only thing that keeps me here is Lockdown, since that's the only thing I do when online.

Grittle's picture
Eating cupcakes Also this

Eating cupcakes

Also this forum community has the best humor I seen in years :P

Bigfootm's picture
What Dark Ritual?

Like Vlad, I've been here since beta and miss the days of when everyone was in the Arcade, Bazaar, or Clockworks. Only time you were in the Town Square was if you had just logged in.

Anyway -

Some older players that I'm friends with.
The guild I'm in.
Guild Lockdown.
The 'good' community. The ones who don't complain about everything, the ones who have a sense of humor, the ones who can help others.

What makes me want to quit this instant:

Battle Sprites (I don't want to play Spiral Pets Jr.)

How easy PvE is. (Underpowered monsters, overpowered weps.)

Missions. (This game is pretty based on missions now. I miss the days of the Clockworks and when Basil was many players' cash source.)

Complainers AKA The 'bad' community - The ones who complain every other second, do whatever it takes to be 'an interneter'. Am I saying trolls are bad? No, not at all, I love trolls that keep me on the forums. (GodofSkype1, best troll you can ever imagine, after he got banned I started to not be on the forums as much.) (Yes, there always are some, but we don't need 600 threads about how "aa sux" and another 5000 about how "ce is 2 high")

However, despite the things that make me want to quit, I'm still playing, so OOO is doing something right.


Foggy's picture
Not a pay to win game

I'm a big MMO Vet, I've tried many free MMOs (even participated in beta openings) with my boyfriend and all of them all end up the same in the end, "free to play...pay to win" . By that I mean that you can only be the best (or even to advance further in the game) by paying real money to get the best items and uber enchantments off the cash shops. With this game, you're only paying for fancy cosmetics (or the elevator pass which I think is great if you plan to play A LOT) , I hope it stays that way. Another bonus, even if you don't have real money you can always use crowns to get crystal energy. Also the community is pretty fun to be around too. I guess that's why I stick around here (also everything here is so cute and fun *sobs ; ;)

Maybe it's because I've been gone for a few months but honestly I can never run out of things to do. Like crafting an armor set for EVERY situation and being rich enough so I can get myself some sweet UVs and coveted accessories.

Fehzor's picture


Invading people's parties and acting like "Squad Guardian" is a legitimate strategy and even a vital role in Spiral Knights. "Whats that? You've never heard of the Guardian class? But its a necessary part of the team! Just like striker!" Getting Zeddy in on it was even better.

Bacon-Strip's picture
I think the thing that keeps

I think the thing that keeps me here is my guild. I would normally say Lockdown or the community, but the community within it is so trash, both are quickly falling off my list. No one really shows much respect or even just a simple good game, or even just not complaining every time they die. /sigh

Zeddy's picture

It'll be great when I stop sucking with swords and maybe make people legitimately want to get plate armour and sudas.

Hey! I just realised that if we went to T1, our armours would both make us completely invincible and also let us reach an uninformed audience that'd be easier to sway.

Dukeplatypus's picture
My guild, mostly, because a

My guild, mostly, because a lot of my good friends have quit. I'm an officer so I have a fair amount of responsibility that comes with the position in a fairly large guild like Knights of Equestria

Rabeet-Ahsan's picture

I would like to play this game more as i just crafted my Glacius(so cold and shiny)and began to finally enjoy to not suck at FSC but my dad suspended my laptop until further notice(i think until the exams are over)
WHY GOD WHY!!!!!!!!!

Tdlob-Forums's picture
The Strand that Unravels Everything

Want to hear what keeps me here?

A group of caring individuals whose friendship has grown far beyond this game.

That's it. Without that, this game has nothing. My time here practically hangs by a thread.

P.S. Xair, you are quitting too? Dang it girl! Feels like I am losing everyone... This strand is unraveling faster than I had surmised.

lockdown and sprits :D

lockdown and sprits :D

Yukabacera's picture
Like most people have said...

Like most people have said... My friends and my guild! They are a fun group and I love to spend time with them. There's no way I would keep playing this game either on my own or completely relying on random parties.

<3 You guys.

Psychodestroyer's picture

Huh, totally forgot to mention my guild, but my guild is mostly comprised of friends anyway, so <3 them too :3