Damage tables for the Snarble Barb line are slightly (5*), partially (4* and 3*), or totally (2*) missing. I have a loose Snarble Barb level 10 and can do some runs this coming week. Currently I have a spreadsheet to record values. What I want to know is: should I upload them to a personal page and then the actual pages, or should I just go for it?
Snarble Barb Line
Thank you, Bopp.
I have completed the 2* damage table. After I had done strata 1 - 5, I took a glimpse at the Flourish's table and realized that it matched perfectly for hits 1+2, 3, and the first charge hit. This corroborates with all the arsenal threads agreeing that the only difference between the FF and BTB is the charge attack. In fact, those who (for some strange reason) want to know how the Flourish fares in T3 can look at the Snarble Barb page for data. It was a nuisance to get D28 data, since I had to claw through Fiends (without Shadow protection) and do some gate-waiting at D27, but it came through.
In any case, I'll start on the 3* Twisted Snarble Barb once I can make and upgrade it, which shouldn't take that much time. I won't peek at the 3* Flourish (Swift, if I remember right) table.
EDIT: I've also noticed that damage tables are somewhat inconsistent as to whether they put the most or least resistant enemies first. Is there any reason to be one or the other? If not, I can go ahead and arbitrarily choose one (probably strongest up top) and edit away.
UPDATE: Finished 3*. On to 4*, which is somewhat more awkward.
Go for it. (And I just filled in a couple more numbers for the 5-star.)