Battle Sprites Questions

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Goldeneman's picture

First thing I have to say is that the Battle Sprites look awesome

However I do have some questions

1) Can a Battle sprite die and if it does will it be gone for ever?

2) Can they be sold in the Auction House?

3) Do you have to buy some sort of pet slot to acquire them?

4) If you have already done all the missions how will Vanguards get them?

5) Will Battle Sprites be with you in the Haven?

6) What type of materials will you have to feed to your Battle Sprite

7) What will happen if you do not feed you Battle Sprite?

Y=That all I have, but I would just like to say a big well done to Nick and the team for a fantastic job that they have done so far an I can't wait until they are released!

Autofire's picture

Please keep your questions here instead of making a whole new thread for it. Thank you. ^.^

Little-Juances's picture

"4) If you have already done all the missions how will Vanguards get them?"
NEW missions obviously.