As any player who has reached 5 star equips and tier 3 well knows, the game gets boring after a while. Where should Three Rings go with the game next? Here are my ideas.
1. Have access to other towns on Cradle. I want to visit places other than haven. A potential money sink could be low-altitude spiral knights shuttles which get you to those towns fast. The alternative would be walking there and enjoying the scenery. These new towns need to have unique features, so that there are actual incentives for going there.
2. More bosses. Right now there are only two bosses, Jelly King and Vanaduke. We need more bosses so that there are other viable alternatives for dungeoning.
3. A guild-only zone. This should include a public recruiting area, where new Knights can be inducted into guilds. Also, I think that each guild should have their own private rooms (customizable would be nice), which should be reachable both by walking and by the social tab. Then, all the members in a guild can converge in one room to socialize and plan their future dungeon trips.
4. Speaking of rooms, each knight should be able to have his own piece of real estate. Not only is this a terrific money sink, it would also be awesome to invite your friends over to your little home. These rooms should be customizable in every way possible, with vendor sold decorations made available (another awesome money sink). Some practical features need to be implemented into these houses though, so they have a use beyond looking nice.
5. Customizable armor! Why should all Spiral Knights look so similar? I say that vendor sold customizable options should be made available, along with dungeon-completion based unlockable armor art. Everyone should be able to look the way they want to.
6. Pvp. This needs to come back. However, I want more than a free for all brawl. I think that team Pvp activities should be implemented, along with the ability to fight guild vs. guild. Also, because spiral knights run at the same speed and are too similar in general, add in selectable pvp armor upgrades which allow you to have special abilities, such as sprinting or poisoning those who come too close. This should make pvp much more interesting.
6. Fix the skylark! This one should come much later, or perhaps not at all. Spiral Knights who have reached a certain tier should have the ability to travel to nearby planets.
What do you think?
suggestions board