What kind of stratum is the most profitable and fun for creating just before FSC in teir3? I recently gained access so I don't have much input, but in Teir 2 my favorite were frost. Perhaps if we did fire that would be nice, since we could wear the same gear as for FSC? Or should we try to make a specific baddie? If there one that gives the best drops? Undead would be nice actually since I am making a CIV!!
Lets craft the stratum before FSC
I want undead, only to get some rare mats that have been missing. (Ghost bells and feathers).
I have about 400 lum and 400 dark to contribute if we get enough people.

600 dark, 520 lum. just post here when and ill min-drop
i will hoard crystal until some rich guild makes a certain stratum profitable.
if you want something to happen, pay for it ;)
Good luck getting a specific stratum without getting guilds to collaborate or boosting.
That said, I'll help you out.
So the goal is to drop only dark matter and lumite in T3 of the next Vanaduke gate? I'll pitch in.

I think the only way to make this work would be if the gate got filled up to 14-17 and then autofilled half way into 19-22. Let's say the average person dumped 500 luminite and 500 dark matter, then 400 of everything else except blue (undead anti).. it would take over 240 people to fill the stratum. If you could get ~60 people, which may be doable, you only have a 25% chance of rolling undead which seems like a lot of effort for no payoff. I say save your minerals and deal with random themes until OOO does something to make influencing gates easier imo.
How about we just test and see?
I dropped in my dark matter and lumite, and noticed that some other players have done the same. Keep it up over the week, and let's see if we can score an undead stratum.. If we fail then we at least have a point of data that shows for certain it's not enough, as opposed to just assuming so and never trying.

If you guys want to see if you can make a difference, look no further than the upcoming gate. The pre-jelly king stratum has been flipping to shock from people autoselling (I can tell because all the minerals go up at once when it flips). I got a couple people to drop in ~1000 valestones (green) which is anti to shock but it keeps flipping back to shock when there are people autoselling. Drop in some valestones and see if we can keep it at poison before it tops off in 100k minerals.
Crafting the stratum 5 in Vanaduke's next gate is simply not possible - Even if 200+ hardcore players would go and help, although it'd be more than enough minerals to make a specific stratum, it wouldn't be enough to complete the stratum, thus, there'd be a 50% chance it'd just randomize. Or, if not enough people deposited, the stratum wouldn't even gain a type and would just randomize.
As for the most profitable stratum type? Most stratums are pretty much the same, and only 4 out of 10 won't create "crap" levels. Jelly is personally my favorite stratum; It has a chance to create Scarlet Fortress, Lichenous Lair and Aurora Isles, both which give great crowns/heat/materials, although the chance of creating Aurora Isles is quite low.
Basically, you'll want to avoid the following stratums:
-Beast: Creates Jigsaw Valley and Wolver Den
-Gremlin: Creates Jigsaw Valley and Deconstruction Zone
-Fiend: Creates Devilish Drudgery and Dark City
-Poison: Creates Concrete Jungle
-Undead: Creates Concrete Jungle
-Construct: Creates Jigsaw Valley and Deconstruction Zone
If you don't figure, heat/crown quality goes:
Danger Zone clockworks > Arena levels > Aurora Isles: Jelly Farms (Good heat/crowns)
Lichenous Lair > Scarlet Fortress > Clockworks (Moderate heat/crowns)
Dark City > Deconstruction Zone > Devilish Drudgery > Jigsaw Valley > Wolver Den > Concrete Jungle (Terrible heat/crowns)
(this is mostly guesswork from the stuff I remember, so I might be incorrect on the rankings, although the basic guideline of good/moderate/terrible should be enough)
@eek5: Why would you want a poison stratum instead of shock?
...Did you even read my post?
Concrete Jungle gives the single worst heat/crown rate in the whole game. And it's incredibly common in poison stratums.
Some people play this game for fun you know. So:
... you'll want to avoid the following stratums ...
Speak for yourself.

Some people play this game for fun you know. So:
... you'll want to avoid the following stratums ...
Speak for yourself.
This thread is about what's most profitable. Learn to read before making an ass of yourself.
Ahem, from the original post:
What kind of stratum is the most profitable and fun for creating just before FSC in teir3?
So yeah. I play for fun, but I don't find those specific levels to be any kind of fun. Concrete Jungles and Jigsaw Valleys can be as short as three minutes, Devilish Drudgery can be specially annoying due to latency and the speed of their attacks, Dark City is just a mess on T3, although it can be pretty challenging, Deconstruction Zone... is pretty obvious. And Wolver Den? I dunno, in general it isn't as quick/ridiculous/annoying as the others, but it's still not quite as good as the other options that actually give profit/heat.
This is just my opinion, of course. But I was mainly replying to his question of which stratum would be the most profitable.
First line in the first post: What kind of stratum is the most profitable and fun for creating just before FSC in teir3?
Learn to read before making an ass of yourself.
No u.

No u.
And is it not exceptionally clear, from Kakelgis' post, which side of it he was replying to?
Awesome people are joining in! Yeah the basic idea is that I am just dumping all my purple (dark matter) and yellow (lumite) into depth 19-22 for the next 5 days. Also I am only picking up yellow and purple in dungeon runs and I have been saving for several weeks. I just dumped everything I had for those colors into the slot.
Thanks for the advice Kakelgis but I think most of us want to craft an undead stratum for the materials as well as the fact that I want to have fun with my DA, cold iron carver, and shadow resist stuff. It's just more fun killing zombies and mean mean kitties! I'll dump minerals for a few days and hopefully it will work!
I do agree that 3rings needs to change the system alot, like make a one time fee that boosts a mineral for a time period and is affordable by a guild, or to make it do the opposite (take away money, that might make it balanced since then guilds can't boost minerals for profit if they get large enough). However that doesn't mean I'm not going to have fun trying until they implement a newer system. If they do implement one then I won't need all the minerals I've 'saved up' anyway and apparently you are telling me saving up won't matter unless they make a change so why not spend them?
By the way everybody who is participating save up your other colors so we can use them as cancelers for the strata that might pop up during the last day or so. If something is weighing out our undead then we can put in the anti-mineral to try to force it away.

@kake There is no point in having a more profitable first half imo. A couple hundred crowns isn't going to make a huge difference when the time commitment will be much longer. Concrete jungle levels might not be profitable but it get syou to what is profitable WAY faster than the alternative which means you can run more jelly palace faster.
I guess that's true - But you also have to consider the materials dropped. Short and quick levels without many monsters will not net you any decent materials usually.
Additionally, only depths 9 - 10 or 19 - 20 are really bad with profit - 11 and 21 usually do not give much heat or crowns, but on certain cases might give a decent amount. 12 and 22 can actually compare to lower depths if they have the right level, such as arenas or Jelly Farms.
But in general, I find that making 1000 - 2000 additional crowns is better than saving 10 - 20 minutes. After all, that's about as much you'd make in that time.
I dunno about all the technical stuff I just want to kill zombies non stop next week that's all.
Please: undead levels.
Need to fight zombies all day, every day.

While I am likely in the minority, I find T3 Deconstruction Zones fun, a little challenging, and somewhat profitable in terms of heavy gears. The handful of mecha knights that spawn there seem to have a better chance of dropping heavy gears more so than lumbers and mecha knights found elsewhere. I am always in need of heavy gears for crafting. Decon Zones, however, are sadly lacking in heat.
In terms of profitability, since I seldom sell materials, I am looking for paths that have a higher likely hood of dropping forge and grim sparks and items which you can purchase with forge and grim sparks. Farming my own materials saves me more than 2k crowns per floor.
In terms of fun, <3 Decon Zones, Arenas, Danger Rooms and waking large swathes of jellies or undead to kite and do charged AOE attacks when soloing. I try my best to behave when my duo associate joins me on runs and tackle things with more thought and strategy. Takes more skill and restraint not to get your team killed and vice versa.
I think I'll build an undead strat then if nobody has any input otherwise, it seems like the most fun for mats and weakness to my weapons :D