Will Mercurail Armour be buffed any time soon ?

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Irevolutioni's picture

Hello everyone.

I have been playing with the mercurail set, and the movement speed it gives as a bonus is almost not noticeable.
And as a boss Item I find it way to underpowered.
I was hoping for an Movement increased Verry High.
And I am kinda tired off Wolver Gear all the time.
Some other gears need luv to :)

Eltia's picture
Cooperstown, ND

Short answer. No, Nick thinks it's OP.

Long answer. Nobody knows for sure.

Erridunno's picture
If it becomes very fast I'll

If it becomes very fast I'll make it

Canozo's picture

It doesnt need a buff and the movement speed increase IS noticable. If you get Med on each piece, Strikers would move at the Speed of light. Low on each piece is more than enough.

And this goes on The Arsenal section.

Irevolutioni's picture

If the reason is only based by pvp I still think its unfair.
Since you can have max triple UVS. Max UV Gear. Trinkets. Auto Target.
Everything is possible to kill. and if not than it shouldn't be wearable in the PVP.

Canozo's picture

Still, if you had Very High Movement speed increase, you would mode WAY too fast, you would be untouchable by every monster on PvE.

Irevolutioni's picture

Aren't you untouchable if you have Max damage and max ASI ? and max CTR?

Lskyx's picture

He is not untouchable. I see my bro Nitef, and Thegamevice (shoutout lol) take on people with max asi and they dont have any asi added at all.


As fun as a buffed Merc (Or maybe Movement speed trinkets) soounnds... (and I would really love that) It would be too overpowered. T_T (I gatta admit)

But all is good. :) The Merc's we have now have actual very noticeable speeds.

Traevelliath's picture

Well do realize the red packages gave Movement Speed Decrease: Maximum! Assuming that the relationship between the levels of each buff/debuff is roughly symmetrical (MSD decreases the same percentage as MSI increases), MSI maximum would be almost 50% faster. I can see how MSI buffs THAT large would disrupt game balance.

Bacon-Strip's picture
You guys do realize that MSI

You guys do realize that MSI is a linear addition, and doesn't multiply with striker boost. You act like it will change the world. MSI Medium is already hard to notice from another person's standpoint, and even if it was good in PvP, they would lose their damage boost.

I'd be happy to see this armor buffed, whether it be extra MSI, or possibly another resist or even some ASI.

In the end this buff would just help the use of wolver gear all the time. Actually using some different armor for a change.

Eltia's picture
Cooperstown, ND

Before people go on and say they can't notice any difference in MSI...

Did you test it in Haven?

Canozo's picture

Im not untouchable, I actually have problems with a LOT of people on lockdown. And I dont have max CTR.

It doesnt work on Haven.

From my point of view, I do notice the MSI Medium, in both PvP and PvE, but I guess if Wolver gear is so powerfull, why not buff Merc.

Fehzor's picture

I've noticed that the longer I play the game, the more I notice the bonus... at first it seemed like there was no change, but now the change is quite apparent, and is by far my favorite boost.

Even so, a boost would be nice. Most people don't play the game for so long, and would like to try it out a bit.

Zeddy's picture

I seriously don't get people who don't notice the MSI. Putting on Merc armour feels like I've been walking around all day wearing weights, and then taking them off.

If you ever charge things that slow you down a little when charging, it's well worth it.