Strange Tales from the Clockworks - Yesman Idol Worship

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Paintool's picture

So the other day I was going into a fiend stratum. Everything seemed normal at first until I got to the very end and this happened:

I killed all the Pit Bosses in the level, but the Yesman was following me to the end of the level.
It wouldn't revert back to a normal devilite or into an over timer.

Has this happened to anyone else before?

Zaffy-Laffy's picture
Zaffy is Laffy

Pit boss dies, turns into normal devilite and fitter and healthier than dead. Logic!~

Paintool's picture
Peaceful Darkfang Thwacker

There was another time I was roaming CW and came across a passive Darkfang Thwacker.
We sat down together and mulled things over:

I think I have some other strange encounters saved somewhere..

Sexios's picture
like this?
Verodius's picture
Yeah I've seen several

Yeah I've seen several occasions where enemies will just not bother fighting.

I've also seen a Devilite who, after seeing his Pit Boss die, told himself could use someone like himself in management and became a Yesman.

Little-Juances's picture

It's more common on gremlins when they are low on life. They go to a corner and insetad of healing just stare at you.

Aureate's picture
Idling Gremlins

Thwackers often run off to stand aimlessly in a corner if their health is low. They're meant to use pills and return to the fight, but some of them take their time about it.
I've never seen Yesmen act like that before, though.

More importantly: AA? Heresy! D<

Psychodestroyer's picture
Paintool's picture
Lazy Scorchers

>> Psychodestroyer - I almost wish the scorchers were as aggressive as thwackers, even though they both suffer this problem. I can understand maybe they want to have some easier classes, but enemy AI that leads to this sort of thing seems silly/ridiculous.

It appears novel enough to get close to the enemy without them attacking you all the time though.