
2 replies [Last post]

OMG im soooo happppyy! after playing spiral knights for a couple of weeks my cump's hard drive broke down and i was sad for a bit becuase i couldnt play spiral knights, then the week after my cump broke i got a brand new hard drive i was so happy that i could play spiral knights :3 then later that day..... i found out i couldn't play spiral knights... soooo,
3 months since iv been on spiral knights without crashing my computer, i downloaded spiral knights hoping for at least a slim chance that
i could play and it some how started working normally? :[)

anyways im happy :)

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Zaffy is Sad

Spam posts like these make me cry

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I like spam

But not in post form. And it's comp not cump but it does sound if you know what I mean.