Why are you people so...

15 replies [Last post]
Halisi's picture

Unwilling to look beyond what looks to be obvious, that they are getting lazy and are pushing out cosmetics to squeeze more money out of this game. Here's what I believe is going on, right now sega/OOO are looking to provide big updates containing long asked for changes. I mean think about it, we've been asking for guildhall changes, and pet's since forever, and now their bringing those to us. Things like this are taking awhile so the cosmetic items serve 2 purposes. One, to help pay for these updates, and two to give us...something until these updates are released. Also, don't give me the "these updates shouldn't take this long, it hasn't before". The new guildhall AI was very hard for them to perfect, as they haven't had to work on something so complicated since they first made the game, and don't get me started on pet AI's. So let me ask you this, how many complaints do you really have about the guildhall update? Give them time, their working on it. If you want to complain go back in time to the beginning when running the clockworks until you ran out of energy was all you to do, then you can complain.

Dialgia's picture


Zaffy-Laffy's picture
Zaffy is Laffy

Of course OOO is not lazy. If you look at the credits, they would have no more than 15 men on their team. 15 men with different roles, it is THAT difficult! A few in development, a few in engineering, a few in art and designs. They are not lazy, they have a small team only. Now look at all the other MMOGs, TF2, whatever. Look at their credits, you would usually find 40-50, if not 80-100 people, and remember they are also pushing out cosmetics.

Psychodestroyer's picture

Not sure what you're talking about. Although I'd normally agree, rage posts regarding OOO making a cosmetic updates aren't actually that many considering that there have been far worse, specifically around the OCH period and the Shadow Lair release, among others.

Little-Juances's picture

On GH update, people complained new recruits had the same privileges as veterans.
What did OOO do? ranked doors to seal off rooms based on title.

Shadow Lairs... on release everyone was unhappy on the way to acces them (you had to be extermely lucky with lockboxes)
What did OOO do? Add keys to Kozma/Boost.

Complaints can improve the game - if we shut up OOO might think the game is perfect and stop working on it :P
Sure there's a difference between logical arguments and random rants. Dont give everyone the same label.

Flowchart's picture

What do you mean "you people"?


"What do you mean "you people"?"

That's what I was thinking too...

Halisi confirmed for being a Three Rings employee trying to talk some sense into the community. hhhehehe

Abyssal-Flamberge's picture
Complaints can improve the

Complaints can improve the game - if we shut up OOO might think the game is perfect and stop working on it :P
Sure there's a difference between logical arguments and random rants. Dont give everyone the same label.

I agree 100%.

C'mon! Everything in the game is alive cause most of us, namely Severage(for GH Updates) and I forget who suggested pets in an orderly manner; at least in one point recognize them.

Rabeet-Ahsan's picture

I think Autofire suggested pets.He has a detailed thread in suggestions but i don't remember the node number.

Halisi's picture
For one thing, I'm not an

For one thing, I'm not an employee XD. Two I'm not saying don't complain about what's wrong with updates. What I'm saying is, don't lose hope in OOO just because they are taking a long time to release big updates, just because your used to having a small-med size updates every 2 weeks-1 month. Oh yeah, and I said "You people" because I didn't want to say you guys, or you girls.

Shamanalah's picture
@ Halisi

As far as I'm concern... I'm not complaining. I think they pulled off a great move.

Halloween fest, Guild Hall implentation, Winterfest, Guild Hall update, Now announcing pets...

Sheesh if you think they don't put up a lot of new content you must be blind

I left on January, no mission, no prestige, no rank, few accessory, no "seasonal event" and so much more was implemented...

If you trace back what OOO made in 2012, it was a pretty good year for them...

Halisi's picture

Wow, hahaha. So many people misreading my post. XD please go back and reread my earlier posts?

Zephyrgon's picture
I appreciate

This game. I haven't quit since I sank a lot of money already and I am really hyped up for he new updates. I think people need to cut OOO some slack because they are doing their best right now, even though they did screw up by giving us lackluster updates.

Alpha's picture
Why do you try so hard to

Why do you try so hard to trust in somebody that only sees you for your money.

Traevelliath's picture

@Alpha: Where do you get that impression?

Fehzor's picture

So... who exactly was complaining all the time? OOO has been a lot better with their updates recently, and its shown. There will always be people that complain; but there will inevitably be more or less depending on the perceived legitimacy of the event.