Battle Sprites look like other creatures I've seen. Is this bad?

32 replies [Last post]
Spinex's picture

The Battle Sprite shooting fire and looks like a dragon is similar to this!

The Battle Sprite with purple wings looks like Mew from Pokemon.
I can't believe it looks like a thing from Pokemon when Pokemon is stupid. LOL!

The Battle Sprites will make things better.

Bluebrawlerneo's picture
Psychodestroyer's picture

"I can't believe it looks like a thing from Pokemon when Pokemon is stupid. LOL!"

I can't believe you're making a whole 'nother thread to whine about the Battle Sprite update for quite literally no reason.

Is this a cry for help?

Thimol's picture

I can't believe it looks like a thing from Pokemon when Pokemon is stupid.

Ugh. You're one of those people.

Grittle's picture
I liked Pokemon... Until Gen

I liked Pokemon...

Until Gen 5 came...

Now its just "Meh"

Tiroth's picture

Yay, woo, the Battle Sprites bare a passing resemblance to things that already exist.

*rolls eyes*

Have you seen the number of references there are in this game? A couple more is hardly surprising.

Shamanalah's picture
@ Tiroth

At first when I played Blast Network I was like (not on the forum though) "this is a total ripoff Bomberman, this is a shame! It's... it's... well actually I like that, it's cool.... SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!"

Pokemon is stupid? Please... I had tons of fun playing that game and I'm sure plenty of you did too. Having to catch Missingo and dupe Rare Candy on Blue/Red... :D

Ndognine-Forums's picture
psh. Its Charizard, Mew, and

Its Charizard, Mew, and Dusklops

Thimol's picture


That's Dusclops. With a "C".

Luguiru's picture

I would rather have Gengar.

Stealing souls is always a jolly good time.

Thimol's picture

I would rather have Gengar.

You are an excellent person.

Tini-Tiny's picture
I beg to differ.

@Ndognine Maskeraith is definitely duskull. (Mask, small body, no legs)

Tohru-Adachi's picture
they all suck.

Get me a routor.

Spinex's picture

I actually like pokemon, but I called it stupid because I thought you guys hated it. Sorry :(

Psychodestroyer's picture

"I actually like pokemon, but I called it stupid because I thought you guys hated it. Sorry :("

Rule #1 in my personal book of dealing with people: Never trust someone who is willing to change their opinion because they think others will approve.

It just shows a lack of 'thinking for oneself'.

Thimol's picture

but I called it stupid because I thought you guys hated it.

Spold's picture

Well, I did come across a couple of hypocrites that did something relating to your but I called it stupid because I thought you guys hated it. comment. When someone says that they like something that those hypocrisy-showing hypocritical hypocrites disliked, they started to throw a tantrum towards that person. Now, those guys like Gangnam Style and this person said that they didn't like Gangnam Style so these people came up with [trashy] excuses like saying "If you hate Gangnam Style, then you hate Gangnam in Seoul, Korea because that's why it was created." That song really doesn't have to do anything about Gangnam. I think it would be too inappropriate to put what it's about here but if you're mature enough look at the English lyrics.

Spold's picture

Double post.

Hexzyle's picture
Nearly every pokemon is based

Nearly every pokemon is based off real objects, creatures or phenomena.

So saying "it looks like pokemon" is saying it looks like a cartoonish take on real life.

This is what I say to that.

Retequizzle's picture
Haunter > Gengar That being

Haunter > Gengar

That being said, I still want a Maskeraith.

Iron-Volvametal's picture
Batabii's picture
Fehzor's picture

Oh Larry, you and your strange interests.

And apparently, people actually want Spiral Knights to become Pokemon. That or OOO sent out a poll asking about pets and then decided to make them upon realizing that no one wanted them.

Athrod's picture

I agree with you in a way, but sadly, like any other game, I don't think you're correct. Most likely it's only less than 10% of the community that posts on the forums, and even less that specifically gave input for pets. When they gave the surveys out, there was probably more people (The general game public) That answered and said , "Yes, I would like pets"

Fehzor's picture

You think that OOO is sadistically trying to give Us pets that We don't want? Good on you I guess.

Athrod's picture

I never said I WANTED pets, but merely gave a fact that most likely while the forums were filled with negative posts about it, the general public of the game including T1 and T2 players said ,"Yes, give us pets" on the survey

Spinex's picture

World War III!

Nineball-Seraph's picture

Something on the internet looks like something else on the internet? QUICK, RUN!

Thimol's picture

Haunter > Gengar

False. Haunter=Gengar. Nothing can be greater than Gengar. Ever.

Skold-The-Drac's picture
Nothing can be greater than Gengar

I see your gengar, raise you a ditto, and then add a sandslash for the heck of it :P

Spinex's picture

I love Toxicroak and his/her Dry Skin ability!

Spinex's picture

Stop looking at me as a Spiral Jester.

Batabii's picture
Oh Fehzor, you and your

Oh Fehzor, you and your hallucinations of people named Larry.