Hey guys/girls, my brother made a picture of what we both think Herex will look like, so check it out and tell me what you think he might look like!
What Herex, the whispering Death Could look like

Here we go, this is the passage:
"And in the middle, a large Scorcher towered above the rest. He wore a light green jumpsuit, with a name tag that read:
This behemoth sported red goggles with blue-tinted glass. He wore a dark red scarf around his neck. Small whiskers grew around his mouth. 'Herex' walked closer to Jason, his big black boots clicking with every step. Never before had Jason felt such fear.
He backed away from the tall gremlin, but tripped over a loose rock. Jason fell backward, and gazed into the eyes of Herex, who had now pulled his goggles away from his face.
Herex looked at Jason with light blue eyes. Then he lifted his boot over Jason's face.
"Goodbye," the monster said firmly."

Cough cough http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/forum/64 cough

I never seemed to notice that thread before, thanks for showing me

Lol'd when I saw that. I remembered a Tomska Vid.
In my fanfic, I gave a description of how I think he looks... In my mind, hes a bit on the heavy side.