Would It Be Against the ToS to...

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Athrod's picture

Would it be against the Terms of Service to sell a knight for in game currency?When I read it in the Terms, it clearly stated that you could not sell for "real money", but it never said anything about in game currency.

Here it is for reference: "It is against Three Rings policy to allow accounts, characters, items, or money to be sold for real money on auction sites or otherwise. We will ask auction sites to respect this policy. We will terminate accounts that we believe are in violation of this policy."

I have an Arcane Halo attached to Heavenly Guardian Armor on this character, but have moved on to a different character.

Best Regards,

Owlert's picture
It is against the ToS.

It is against the ToS.

Athrod's picture
Thank You!

Thank you! But I think I just pulled a bad move. A knight offered me 200k Cr and 800 CE before you replied. I (being the curious little Devilite that I am) "accepted" and had him open a trade window and show me the money. I hit confirm and gave him my username and password to the account, and my suspicion turned out true, he just logged out. Luckily though, I changed my password IMMEDIATELY. He couldn't get on to the character and I filed a complaint for scamming. What I''m wondering though is if I have a chance of getting in trouble too considering I was the one who tried to sell it (Although he approached me on it).

Korakc's picture
Yeah, uh... That was a bad

Yeah, uh... That was a bad idea. Trying to sell your account >.< Well, it is kind of your fault for making the deal, but honestly I'm not a GM so I don't know if it is right or wrong. I just know you can't sell accounts under any circumstances.


Athrod's picture
Thank You!

Again I'm just as much at fault. But I still have my account and nothing wrong happened. I'm more or less just worried about getting in trouble myself for this. Because I honestly thought that statement meant, "You may not sell accounts on sites like eBay or through other ways like mail for real money"

Good-Spirit's picture
and you hit accept before

and you hit accept before changing your password? sounds like you were the scammer there

Psychodestroyer's picture

"and you hit accept before changing your password? sounds like you were the scammer there"

He hit accept, then changed the password after the other guy pulled a poof and left him with no trade.

Shion-Sinx's picture

not only about selling policy, im pretty sure that in most, if not all, ToS of games theres something about SHARING account. so most companies dont allow you to log for your brother, as example.

so just by giving your login and pass, even if you dont get anything in return, its probly against ToS

hardly someone gets punished for that, but still