Spiral Knights should add a marriage option <3

22 replies [Last post]
Divienne's picture

I was thinking about Spiral knights to add a new option to the game where your knight can marry another knight :D
You can marry a knight and receive a powerful ring with special abilities or something like tat when ur in runs together. If you got to choose who u get to marry, who would it be and why? :|

Flowchart's picture

So is this thread married to your other thread?

Sir-Wuddle's picture
Sounds more like Wonder twins

Sounds more like Wonder twins rather than marriage O_o

Psychodestroyer's picture

"Sounds more like Wonder twins rather than marriage O_o"

Nobody knows me or likes me enough to want to 'marry' me, and the converse applies too.

I just put it in that context because I have a habit of considering others before myself. Old habit, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Zeddy's picture

People would just marry the friends or guildmates they run the most with if it gave actual bonuses.

Netknight's picture

Sounds like Maplestory.

Shidara's picture

I thought marriage was supposed to be a ritual that binds two people together as a couple, not a contract with benefits.
What, marriage comes with benefits? Well drat.

Anyway, no, I don't see how it's a good idea to grant benefits to the few couples that do exist and leaving the solitary bachelors in the shade. Like Zeddy said, everyone would just "marry" their friends or guildmates for the bonuses and I don't want strangers sending me random proposals - friend requests are bothersome enough.

Yes, other MMOs have couple systems in them but that still doesn't make it a good idea here.

Spold's picture

A game called "Grand Chase" has this couple system. Why would us robot-like knights need love? That does not fit the Spiral Knight species.

Robots can't love! -Spongebob Squarepants

Grittle's picture
Uhhhhhhhh Ummmmm Ughhghghghgh




I can't decide, THIS SHOULD BE AN EASY ANSWER. but yet, I can't put the finger on the answer.

Bluebrawlerneo's picture

forever alone

Timewalker's picture
TimeWalker always processing love

Sorry, this is something reserved for Korean MMORPGs. ㅋ_ㅋ

Canozo's picture
Traevelliath's picture

Just give each other a speshul Maiden's Tear and leave it at that...

Mzculet's picture
No (This isn't Imvu and 000

(This isn't Imvu and 000 Please don't make it like that)

Skyguarder's picture
No marrying

This game is not a flirting game. It's basically combat. You are not marrying Desna, or anything. If you were to marry, people under 17 might feel disgusted due to the fact that knights are pretending to have [songs] together.

Also this belongs to the suggestions

Mzculet's picture


Don't forget to clean up after yourself! (when people are done hating it)


Eltia's picture
Cooperstown, ND


  1. do knights have genders? If so, can knights with same gender marry to each other?
  2. if there is marriage, would there be divorce?

Thank you!

Iron-Volvametal's picture

Spiral Knights should add an IQ Test before being able to Post in the Forums <3

Shidara's picture

But then I wouldn't be able to post any more. I am terrible with IQ tests..

Rangerwillx's picture

Don't worry, I'm sure that you are smart enough to get through an IQ test.

@Thread I think this may be the most STUPID SUGGESTION I'VE EVER SEEN, and that's sayin' something.
I'm not going to list the 100 reasons why.

Sweet-Hope's picture

*sight* the only thing we need its useless features -.- so now if people keep spaming threads like this Nick would think this its what people need and they would implement it in the game. NO PLEASE.

we need real content no useless things like this.

Thimol's picture

Why would us robot-like knights need love?

Why don't you ask Vaelyn?

Skyguarder's picture
We don't need marriage

What if a boy marries another boy that is dressed in a girl costume or what if a girl marries a girl wearing a boy costume? I find it [yay]