Alright I'm not very "new" to the game, but I've always wondered, is it possible to "search" for parties of missions you have already done and are way back of where you are right now? For example, I keep looking for parties for Roarmulus Twins or Jelly King, but the party finder always pairs me with people doing arcade parties or parties of missions from my tier.
Any ideas? Thanks!
PS- I know you can go to the party and click "Join a lobby", but that's not very reliable considering I can do that and then end up creating one of my own if no one is doing a party for that mission, and right after someone would create a lobby and I'd just be waiting for people alone.. I'd rather limit the search preferences.
Finding a lobby
There doesn't appear to be any search feature for the Party Finder mechanism. You just get a list of arcade parties and mission parties that are open. The mission parties certainly do include missions that you've completed. For example, I see a The King of Ashes mission party right now. But you might be right that the Party Finder finds mission parties only from your "tier" of missions. I don't know.
Edit: I can see OCH Tier 3 parties and OCH Tier 2 parties. This suggests that you can see parties from other tiers. But OCH might be a special case. It does make sense that the Party Finder would preferentially list the parties that (it thinks) are most suitable to you.
Well that's not very practical.. And yeah it does give priority to boss parties I believe
It takes priority for, in this order:
1. Friend invites turn up at the top of Party Finder lists.
2. Missions done recently. (OCH is special case - do any OCH tier and all three will turn up) Bosses take priority.
3. Bosses, highest possible first. (So KoA, BTD, TSS, SotB in that order)
4. Prestige missions - depending on the most often done, it will choose Danger Missions or normal CW Prestige missions
5. Arcade parties - sorted by tier (highest first) and depth (highest number or deepest first)
6. 'Foreign' parties if 'Party with Any' is selected (brackets around the country, eg. [Party Finder (USA)] ) in the same order as above.
At least, that's what I can tell.
~Dried Grape
As of 2-3:
If you've done the IMF more recently but have the FSC available, it will display 'Built to Destroy!', THEN 'The King of Ashes'.
Joining a party from the Mission tab seems to be the only workaround. Annoying. Somewhere in the options you can set not to create a party automatically if there is no party. It asks me everytime, no party found, want to create your own?