So begging can be a nice thing! ^_^

71 replies [Last post]
Coolnew's picture
@Xxdragneel The experiment

The experiment was aiming at observing how begging can actually be from the beggar's point of view. So the fun should be seen on the long run, not on the paste-wait_for_trade-accept mechanism, as you destroyed in your last reply. Also there is the *idea* of the video, the music, the funny answers from other knights, and so on. All stuff you didn't even mention.

Overall, the experiment is finished. The outcome - to me - was that people on the forum are mostly jelly. I wanted to make somebody laugh but I mostly attracted sad and angry people, uncapable of seeing anything but the actual money, the pasted message, etc. Most likely I will remove that video because it's available from the forum only and because I noticed people don't like such things (so I wouldn't like to put it in the channel list). The fact that I got more angry replies from sad people than funny replies from happy people makes me understand that I don't really like/fit the forum community, since the in-game situation was the opposite to me.


No worries, Coolnew, some of us did enjoy it, so there's no need to take it down. Negative comments have it with shining through sometimes.

Magnicth's picture
Learn to spell and use proper

Learn to spell and use proper grammar.



Heavy-Dragon's picture
I liked it.

As long as you did not profit directly from it, I see it as charitable.

I have a question though. How would you feel if the person you gave the crowns to was an alt of an endgame player?

Bella-Donna's picture

@zeddy: By panhandling on the streets one can get between $200 and $400 dollars a day, that's more than a minimum wage job makes in a week. and considering that it cost about $2,800 a month to live comfortably for most people panhandling can support someone's lifestyle and even start saving up for retirement as well.

Coolnew's picture
@MagnicthSorry, I didn't

Sorry, I didn't know you were so touchy about grammar. Anyway I'm not english, so even if I try to spell right (as I already do), I can't completely avoid mistakes.
(Of course I am not sorry, my lord. I'd better point it out because I don't want your royal mind not to get my popular sarcasm).

Your question is good. Honestly I hope that, if I did strike an alt like mine, he will give my donation farther, since he can figure out that I was willing to donate something to somebody who needs. But well... I like to think it's difficult to strike an alt. like that :3

Shamanalah's picture
@ Fehzor

And more specifically to Shamanala- Isn't telling me that I don't know how to have fun, but that I should let people have fun in their own way kind of... hypocritical?

yeah so?

At least I'm not saying that giving away a begged chunk of cr to a noob is unnecessary and wrong.

that somehow ended with him verbally attacking people in Haven to support his youtube channel

So a guy who ask you for money on the street is verbally abusing you?

lol let me imagine this

*homeless guy on the street*: "hey man do you have some spare change?"


*homeless guy on the street* : "...."

*Fehzor pulls a gun, shoot homeless guy in the street* *look around*: "WHAT? you saw that? he abused me!!"

so much lolz, thx for that

No they are not verbally abusing you, you can block them too... not really hard, it takes 2 clicks... less time it took you to actually wrote your post...


Magnicth's picture
You spelled "please" as

You spelled "please" as "plizzz"..... I doubt you were even trying. The grammar is debatable. And I don't care how charitable it is, begging is complete garbage. We all have the ability to go out and gather our own crowns, begging is just for the lazy who prefer to prey upon others. And why give the money you gathered to some random bystander? For all you know, he could have been an alt himself.


Fehzor's picture

At least I'm not signing up to be the homeless guy on the street "for fun" like you guys.

@Weedalot- Glad you brought that up.

Well you see, by joining my party, they agree that being manipulated for heat is "ok". If they disagree with what they've signed up for, I'm not going to stop them from leaving and as you may have noticed, I advocate it harshly at times. When I join their party, I have agreed to play by their rules, but am not forced into doing so, which is why I get kicked. Therefore, it is not only fine but entirely intentional for me to kill my party, steal their heat, and then kick them for fun. Otherwise, the "party leader" functionality would be more democratic. Or at least that's how I see it, and will continue to see it, until I am told otherwise by someone in the know.

Recall this-

"Play nice! - There is no place in Spiral Knights for deliberately harassing other knights, either by being offensive, by 'stalking' them, sending repeated requests or chat messages or in any other form. "

I don't harass people; I just set the rules of the party and, when applicable, troll people in other parties such that they "become hostile", just like I am trolling you right now and figure that you may "become hostile" as a result.

Beggars, on the other hand, do harass people via 'stalking' them and sending them repeated messages, something that I do not knowingly partake in.

Shamanalah's picture
Beggars, on the other hand,

Beggars, on the other hand, do harass people via 'stalking' them and sending them repeated messages, something that I do not knowingly partake in.

People harassing you for money is not the same as people asking one time then leave when you say no

I think the later is not verbal abuse, but you may think otherwise... After all if you feel threaten in Florida you can shoot (of course some details add to that... but still...)

Fehzor's picture

Did anyone else have a sudden urge to move to Florida just now?

Shamanalah's picture
@ Fehzor

Not really, the economy there is bad and this law apply on both side, to you and to whomever feel threaten by you...

Of course some other details apply to this, I suppose you have to be in your home or lawn to shoot if you feel threaten, IDK cause I'm not from Florida, nor even from the States, but I know this law because of how ludacris it is...

Coolnew's picture
@Magnicth "Plizzz" is a

"Plizzz" is a typical beggar mistake -.-'' I did it on purpose.
/think you clearly didn't see me and vokster joking with that in haven, time ago -.-''''
Also, you still talked about things I already answered (really I did answer to everything in previous posts) so... if you care, scroll up and read. Otherwise..... peace.

Magnicth's picture
Blackbird singing in the dead of night....

@Fehzor: Can I move to Florida with you? I'm allergic to the stupid that's growing up in here.

And no, I didn't see you and Vokster joking about that in haven. I don't have enough time in my days to stalk all the players of this game, only some, and Vokster wasn't on my list that day.


Beggars ..

Beggars vary in many shapes, sizes, and tiers ..

I don't associate myself with beggars on a formal/friendly level, they ruin a guilds image, they're lazy, stupid .. most beggars often ride 'the short bus', if you know what I mean. *slurps window*.

and yet .. have brought me countless hours of enjoyment to troll.

And here's a simple way of doing it :).

Now, 85% of you won't even need to imagine this scenario because it has already happened to you ..

"*gets random trade, accepts because YOLO, guy demands (whatever amount) of Crowns and OR Crystal Energy,*" and now .. you show him all your Crowns And Energy, then go AFK for about 5 minutes .. (give or take a few. this is also a good time to check your Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, etc.) THEN when you get back you will either come back to a closed trade .. OR a very angry little beggar. At this point it doesn't really matter what you do because your mission will have been accomplished, and that beggar will remember you in the future, and will know better than to bother you. :)

(I used to tell them to alt+f4, but apparently it's against the ToS).


Funny how people go all HNNG SRS BSNS here.

"by joining my party, they agree that being manipulated for heat is "ok". If they disagree with what they've signed up for, I'm not going to stop them from leaving and as you may have noticed, I advocate it harshly at times." -Fehzor

What what. They have to sign before going on a run with you too now... ?

Actually, at this point, it wouldn't surprise me if you have written your own 10-pages long ToS that you mail to everyone to have them print it out, sign it, scan it back in, mail it back to you and THEN run with you. Hahaha.

"Beggars, on the other hand, do harass people via 'stalking' them and sending them repeated messages, something that I do not knowingly partake in."

A'ight, here is a list of things beggars usually do. Try to cross out what Coolnew did:

[ ] Beg for money.
[ ] Spam trade requests to everyone in sight.
[ ] Spam PMs to everyone in sight.
[ ] Continually harass one (or more) player(s) with trade requests and/or PMs for an extended period of time (would also be considered as 'stalking' I guess).
[ ] Rudely demand a specific amount of money / crystal energy, materials and/or an item.
[ ] Turn into a bright pink elephant a sail around on the wind with snipes while shouting obscenities at the local flora.

Rangerwillx's picture

Hey, whatever you want to do man. I just didn't find it all that exciting, but after all, your subscribers don't have to watch it.
And, as a matter of fact, I do know how that feels, rather. I didn't put any money into this game until I was a 4/5* (can't remember).
I know it's a difficult thing to do, but I waited until tomorrow, then I played again.
But, it was a small amount of crowns, and begging isn't against the ToS, so I don't really care.
It's just a waste of time to me, but if you're bored, why not, I guess.
See ya later, nice that you had fun with this.

All toasters toast TOAST.

It's robin hood all over again.

You steal (beg) from the rich and give it to the poor people.

I'm having trouble deciding if that's good or bad.

Shamanalah's picture
@ That-Proto-Guy

Begging is not stealing

It is asking for money.

When people steal they usually don't ask for your permission... Or did I stole the wrong way all along?

"excuse me miss, I will rob you"

Begging is just begging, no one is twisting your arm and forcing you to give money. Some people will ask over and over again... Simply log in your alt and ask THAT specific person over and over for money, I did this once and the girl never begged again because she understood how annoying she was.

Funny enough is I can log on my 2nd account while still being active on the first and I stood there on Sham and used my alt to begged and told her it was me. :D

Wodanct's picture

I don't see how anyone would ever be "jelly" of this video. There is nothing to be jelly of.. only joyed or disgusted. People can vote up or down if they want. Obviously those that liked it voted up and those that didn't voted down. Though I can sense the hostility in that post.

Dendios's picture
@Shamanala : I just want to

@Shamanala :

I just want to point out something. It is true that begging isn't stealing, but in my opinion, it is shameful. Also, begging is different than asking to be lent some money. Begging is having money for free, without having to pay it back later.

In the game, I feel that begging is lame. Why ? Just because someone can't wait to play till tomorrow and doesn't want to spend his mommy's cash, doesn't mean it is ok to ask people to give you money to play more. Be patient and wait till the mist is refilled.

In the end, that's only my opinion, and you are free what to think about begging.


Live in peace and prosper <(^_^)>