Mist Energy

26 replies [Last post]

Can there please be no energy? I am probably not the only one who dislikes having to wait another day just because i ran out of energy to play. At least one person had agreed that this could be a perfect game without energy. But there could be energy for reviving. That makes sense. But if you don' agree, can you at least make going down another depth cot less energy, like maybe 2 or 5?

Iron-Volvametal's picture


Flowchart's picture

buy an elevator pass, play until you get burned out, come back on the forums and complain about the price of ce / lack of new content.

Ubernerd's picture

Sigh. And we'd just pushed the other one to page 2, too...

I'm starting to believe that people have lost the ability to think about something for more than 2 seconds.

As a side note, it's nice to see you doing memes again, Ironskullkid.

Skyguarder's picture

I'm laughing at this ridiculous piece. What Flowchart said, buy a elevator pass because it will cost 0 energy. Don't have enough money? Ok, let me teach you why there is energy.

-Energy reduces alot of game time and addictions for other users. If a user is too addicted, the energy comes in and helps the person from being less addicted
-Energy is the point of the game, and OOO makes money for it.
-The point of this game is to reach many goals like getting a certain weapon, reaching Vanguard, etc.... Crafting would be free, and the game would not be making money
-The game will get very boring
-Infinite grinding
-You could get everything in 1 shot.

Psychodestroyer's picture

"At least one person had agreed that this could be a perfect game without energy"

Wrong. There is no perfect game. Perfection is an illusion, because there is always a drawback.

Also, -1

Malware-Exe's picture
RE: Mist Energy

The good:

-Dying isin't an issue anymore.
-One less requirement you have to worry about when crafting.
-No more asking for tabs.

The bad:

-Spiral Knights would make it on the news........as another "video game that could lead to death".
-Even if there is a 5 or even 2 energy cost there still would be rage threads.

Canozo's picture
Bluebrawlerneo's picture
complaining about the mist energy

thats a paddlin

Evilnut's picture
These should be a

These should be a forum-bannable offense. The banned needs to take a course in economy before allowed back.

Nexassassin's picture

I'm starting to think there should be one big thread like this that should be stickied. Then at least new ones would stop popping up all the time. Especially since are all the same. Everyone could hate and rant there and they'd all be ignored.

Zaffy-Laffy's picture
Zaffy is Laffy

We should sticky a "DO NOT POST" list for anything that deals with AT, energy, endgame etc etc.

Aureate's picture
inb4 Deltikon
Xxpapaya's picture
The papaya giggles

Here's a list that I made of threads that people SHOULDN'T re-create:
1) Remove energy
2) Add pets
3) Add a 5* Winmillion
4) Industrial Weapons (flame throwers, snipers)

Batabii's picture
wait what? Give me one good

wait what? Give me one good reason winmillion should NOT have a 5*

Hexzyle's picture

Who said that Winmillion shouldn't have a 5 star?

Psychodestroyer's picture

He means don't make any more threads saying the same thing; necro a useful one.

Fallconn's picture

I want them to give the spur line that dash on the first hit back, >:(

Batabii's picture

No way, the dashes on the second and third hits work just fine. I want to be able to hit stuff from a distance without ramming into spikes.

Aureate's picture
Processing Thoughts of Grammer Nahtzees

@Batabii: We have guns for that sort of thing.

Kickthebucket's picture
if you don't make enough to

if you don't make enough to even buy 100CE to run again you are doing it wrong! (yes i make enough money on my alt for 100CE and i can do some more runs) also stop complaining

Lovely-Adventurer's picture

I agree with you OP, the energy limitation sucks. But the devs made the game so dependent on it, trying to do anything with it might mess up the game even worse than it already does. For instance, lowering or even removing the elevator cost would severally increase the CE's price in the market, because people could grind a lot longer per day than before, and as a consequence, everyone (specially newbies) have to grind a lot more to get enough energy to craft/upgrade their arsenals. :\

To the rest of you, you should at least give an explanation why energy is such a big deal instead of just hissing at him. It's not nice.

Batabii's picture
Processing Thoughts of What The Hell Is A Nahtzee

That was the entire point: a sword that substitutes for guns. So you can get range without charging.

We already have guns that act like bombs...

Aureate's picture
Processing Thoughts of Hurr Durr

Why would you want a sword that substitutes for a gun? Nothing should be a substitute for a gun, we had bombs that were substitutes for guns and look what happened there.

why are we even discussing winmillion, this is absu-

/e looks at OP

Okay, let's carry on with our Winmillion chat. It's better than the original topic of the thread.
Also Polaris should really be changed as well to be more gun-like.
Also a Grammer Nahtzee is meant to be a subtle sense of irony. Because, y'know, Grammer Nahtzees hate it when you misspell stuff. Or use bad grammar. Don't worry, it was a terrible joke in the first place...

Hexzyle's picture

"we had bombs that were substitutes for guns and look what happened there."

Please stop spreading that myth, it's becoming really obnoxious.

Batabii's picture
Processing thoughts of anti-semitism

Oh great, now aureate wants them to mess with pulsar and catalyzer (guns that act like bombs)...

Hawxindanite's picture
Actually, in my opinion

Energy kind of also is OOO way of telling teens in Highschool and University to study more.

You know just a thought, also Spiral Knights is one of those games that have limits on gameplay so that they could get money to manage the servers.

Also, you can always take up LD grinding.