Semi operative roarmulas project in minecraft
I had decided to recreate the roarmulas battle scene in the pixelated world of minecraft. These pictures show that it's not yet finished so please hold your horses :p. As minecraft is a limited game the roarmulas can't move but the gates are switchable
I did add some modifications off my own, a future one when done will be the gameplay rules.
On each roarmulas will be a archer with the goal of defeating the archer ee at the botten. The archer ee at the bottem has to try take down both archer era on the roarmulas. The gates are switchable by both sides, for reasons of maby trapping the archer at the top or the archer ear at the bottem using the gate for cover. Yous probably don't understand much bout what I'm saying but all will be revealed when its done an a demonstrative youtube video is made.
Deepsi's helpeda with the arena floor, while Corhodzic did the redstone wiring( what makes the roarmulas gates switch.
The screenshots are limited for as I didn't take much pics and yes there's only 1 roarmulas so far!
Thanks haha, I miss minecraft classic servers the /cuboid commands made it so easy to build that's if you used fcraft though lol.
I remember when I made a roarmulus twin.
I like your minigame theme though, its rather Creative of you.