I can see now... Lots of clues... I have gotten this. With the new announcement, Spiral knights have announced that Pets would come out of the game. Pets were a good idea after all... I have some clues
-Lab. The lab has been closed and people thought that it would have pets, new weapons, new things, etc... I'm thinking that it would be pets.
-New mission coming. Did I just hear Spiral knights were going to extend the missions? Oh yes I did! They just said they are going further into new missions. My guess is that in that mission, it directs you to the lab and in that lab, you can get a new pet! If they say there will be only a new mission, then what is the use? Pets and a new mission were announced.
So according to my calculation, you might know this already, but:
The new mission involves pets. It will direct you in front or in the lab and show you about pets! After that, I'm guessing you choose a pet, and name it. The name stays permanent though unless offensive. Also, will their be a new rank or extend the Vanguard rank a bit further? Maybe Spiral knights can consider extending Vangaurd. So new players beating the FSC and passing the HoH will need to go a bit further. Already Vanguard? Maybe your points are reduced until you have completed the new mission? Maybe a new full rank? We will all find out