New kat stuff?

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Shamanalah's picture

Some guy on FB said this

this is the next danger mission, the next promotion will involve mewkat hats, you're welcome

Edit: Changed title to a more accurate one and changed my OP to fit the title

Iron-Volvametal's picture


Dmatter's picture
Actually, I'm guessing that's

Actually, I'm guessing that's a new upcoming boss. Edit: but yeah, iron skull kid is right

Shamanalah's picture
@ Ironskullkid

I don't remember black kat nor know what it is, I thought it was a new Sprite :D

Icegill's picture

Actually, I never thought of a boss. It actually makes a LOT of sense.

Since they are making this new kat gear and all of a sudden release a black kat picture, maybe they are spicing up a tier 3 new boss? Interestinggg.

Luguiru's picture

More shadow themed bosses.

Just what we needed.

Little-Juances's picture

Or it could be the white kat Seraphynx sprite "dark path".

Shamanalah's picture
Actually... why not?

Someone on FB actually said this and let me get his quote... (for obvious reason I won't name him but you can still find him pretty easily)

this is the next danger mission, the next promotion will involve mewkat hats, you're welcome

Why not? I'm all for it

Magnicth's picture
I saw that as well. I'm

I saw that as well. I'm guessing it has something to do with the kat stuff that is apparently being worked on, and it does seem to fit the description of a black kat quite well.
