Which of these looks better?

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Verodius's picture

Want to know which of these helmet accessories would look the best on me:

Com Unit
Helm Guards
Mecha Wings

If you think none of them feel free to mention that too.


Costume&Acc is usually personal so its hard to say....

I like the Knight's vison goggles ^_^ but haven't got good helmet yet...

Canozo's picture

I would start by removing those knight vision goggles and adding some round shades...

Rabeet-Ahsan's picture
The Mecha Wings looks better

The Mecha Wings looks better though i have them too so they look good.

Aureate's picture
Processing Thoughts of Fashion

I would go either with the Mech'tennas or the Mecha Wings. The Helm Guards seem a little too bulky for most helmets, and the Com Unit looks a little odd to me for some reason.

Not really a massive fan of the Knight Vision Goggles here, but that's just personal taste.

Narfle's picture

but take Canozo's advice first...

Verodius's picture
Mecha Wings it is!

It was a tie between the Mecha Wings & the Mech'tennas, and since somebody else bought the latter before I could the Wings win!

And the Knight Vision goggles are a favorite of mine, I feel they suit the Demo sets really well.

Hexzyle's picture
Many facial accessories are

Many facial accessories are excellent with the demo, because of the space. ^^ It's one of my personal favorite helms for customizing.