Tremos (his in-game id) scammed a few players out of giving him materials, crowns and energies for alchemy. He wrote on trade chat saying that he will make premades if you give him the materials required. After giving him the required items for alchemy, then he would log out.
I've sent a complain... just wondering if anyone else got scammed by him..
My IGN is What
I watched this guy scam some people =.=
And this is exactly why you should always trade in two is not a one way street. In my opinion, all crafters should have the item already made for you, and allow you to swap the mats/energy for the item. They can then use the mats to create the item and continue the process with the next player.
I dont know why scamming is bannable? I dont like the bastards that do it.. but when people are dumb enough to give away stuff without anything i return.. well.. then they are just dumb..
And the scammers prey on the dumb..
So.. if you trade as Sabriath said.. the scammers will die out!!
In short, if you want scammers gone.. trade smart!!
People are just being nice by offering a crafting service for free.
Well, since it is free; theres a risk involved.
I personally got scammed once out of 13kcrowns due to my greediness
In general, you should always check the crafter's equips. If hes wearing 4* and above equips, the fella is unlikely to scam due to the fear of losing his shiny stuffs. However, if hes carrying a spiral culet, u should find the situation a little bit fishy =/
Encountered this guy yesterday. Asked him to craft 5* gear so he asked me for the mats.
When I asked if he had the 4* lvl 10 item he didn,t and then mysteriously said he did (apparently he didn't look hard enough the first time), but naturally couldn't produce any proof. Needless to say when I told him he acts like a scammer:
His words: "I'm an honest guy", "I never lie".
While you should always practice some common sense when dealing with possibly unscrupulous characters on the internet, I hardly think it's fair or kind to call the people who fall for these tricks "dumb", merely uninformed.
Or possibly just noobish, which is curable.
Anybody scamming in this game is an idiot. The complain mechanism is well implemented; you'll get banned. If you try to run it on an alternate account, your main account may still be banned. When the banhammer is at arm's reach; there's little reason not to trust people.
I don't care if I get cheated out of 10k crowns, or a 5* mat. I'll ban the guy and go farm more.
Sabriath is completely right: a good crafter can make the item, and accept payment only on delivery. Now that the full inspect feature is in place, it's also easy to ensure that the crafter actually has the precursor item that they claim to have.
File a complaint against someone immediately if this happens to you. Type "/complain " to report the scammer to the GMs.
You may not get your stuff back, but scammers are banned so they can't scam again.