Magikat hat

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Hawxindanite's picture

I will post my questions below since my Ipad cannot post so long text (which isnt even long) for some wierd reason.

Hawxindanite's picture
The questions

I looked around the wiki and I saw a magikat hat, and I am quite shocked that it has reasonable defenses against THREE statuses and THREE damage types. As far as I know you can no longer get them in game.........or so I thought. I've heard that in the coming update magikat armour will be released, now I'm wondering. Does anyone have a magikat hat? Also, will it even have an alchemy line? And will they return the magikat hat?

Evilnut's picture
If you are reading the wiki, then...

This is right at the top of the page.

"The subject of this article is obsolete and no longer present in the game.
Information presented here may no longer apply to the current game. It is retained primarily for historical interest."

Hawxindanite's picture
Read the questions regarding the next update

And yes, I saw that, I am not blind.

Psychodestroyer's picture

"The subject of this article is obsolete and no longer present in the game"

That answers question one. No-one can possess it at this time.

The other two are only answerable by a developer or one with their knowledge of the future intentions of this article. Being able to predict the eventuality I would think is next to impossible.

Drthz's picture
It will probably make a

It will probably make a reappearance when they make the mewkat boss strata.
I also remember somewhere posted screenshots of seemingly higher star versions but never confirmed to be an alchemy path.

Even so, as far as I know Magikat stuff has never been seen anywhere but in dev screenshots and posts.

Oatmonster's picture
Lick Number 58425

Relevant topic. Hey, triple digit node numbers!


There was that one guy who obtained this hat from a treasure box back in Beta. Forgot his name though.

Batabii's picture
Don't forget the Purring Cap

Don't forget the Purring Cap

Hexzyle's picture
Magnicth's picture
Hmmm...... The cursed

Hmmm...... The cursed idol.... I wonder if that item, which is one of the items listed in one of the links that Hexzyle posted, has something to do with all these kat things. It would seem so, given the description in the wiki....


Immortous's picture

Ooh, I forgot about "the third troika"..... =(

Juances's picture

All this speculation assumes the kat is a full blown boss, not a mini mission. DLC then?